The Hatter's Mansion

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Chapter 4

Jin didn't think it was possible to be anymore terrified until some of the Hatter's posse started showing up and getting into the same tank the Hatter was forcing her into. The scariest of the people she met in that tank was a blue man who looked oddly like some sort shark with pointed teeth, that when he smiled at her. Jin automatically grabbed the Hatter's arm and shoved her face into it, despite the fact she was terrified of him as well.

"Seems you scared her Kisame" the Hatter taunted the giant humanoid shark man

"I don't think I look that scary" He muttered to himself deciding to sit next to the girl dejectedly.

The next scariest person was one that looked to be a plant, and the thing seemed to have a split personality, for he attempted to be nice, he wanted to shake her hand, which Jin did so with apprehension, and then he almost bit her hand off.

Jin ended up sitting on the other side of the Hatter so he could protect her from these weird criminals. In getting to the corner she was in now she nearly clawed her way there until the Hatter picked her up by the waist and sat her next to him, making Jin feel like she was a little girl.

The man who looked like a puppet began driving the tank to the Hatter's mansion. Once there the Hatter opened the door and got out, Jin immediately at his side. Out of the people she met, he was the one with the power, and he looked like the one who was the most normal as well. Jin couldn't see it but with her at his side, without any order of following him, caused the man to smirk for a full second.

"Duck" he said suddenly

"What?" Jin asked confused

"Duck" he said once more, and upon seeing that Jin wasn't going to do anything grabbed her and forced her to duck as a rabbit on a rope upside down, was swinging a sword exactly where the two once stood. The rabbit jumped off the rope with gritted teeth

"You bastard" He said, his red eyes swirling and Jin looked at him like he was insane. In Alice in Wonderland wasn't it supposed to be the Hatter who was the one who was crazy, not the Hare? The rabbit's navy, almost black, ear twitched as he charged towards the Hatter, who did nothing until about ten feet away from him. In which the Hatter took his machine gun and let a few rounds fly at the sword. Once the sword let off a few twangs on the floor the rabbit sneered at the Hatter before stomping off.

"It's lovely to see you two, little brother" The Hatter said, which caused a giggle out of Jin. The Hatter smiled softly at the melody of Jin's giggle before turning towards her, which instantly caused Jin to cut off the laughter. "Come, I will show you to your room" The Hatter said

Jin and the Hatter walked down yet another hallway, confusing Jin even more before the Hatter even started a conversation with the woman

"So… What lies did the castle tell you about me?" He asked

"They said you killed your entire family, save for your brother, of whom I met" Jin started and the Hatter nodded

"Good, so far no lies"

"They said your friends are all criminals"

"Which is true" the Hatter said making another left

"They said that you were crazy, which I will have to disagree with" Jin said as she looked around, running into the Hatter when he stopped in his tracks at her word. He turned toward the Cheshire Cat in confusion

"You don't think I'm crazy?"

"Compared to the others I met you seem perfectly sane" Jin said honestly. He grinned at the woman who blushed at the sight of it.

"I have a lot to show you Cheshire Cat"

"My name is Jin" Jin interjected

"And mine is Itachi" He said "Did you know that your name means benevolence? It really fits your personality" Itachi mused to himself

"How so?" Jin asked

"You wanted to take out the bullet of that Ace of Spades, and you say nice things, especially to me, not many people do that you know, especially in this world. Which leads me to wonder why exactly they brought you here?" Itachi asked himself suspiciously "Because as I see it you are just the thing your world needs, I don't see why we need to change it, you could become an amazing doctor and change many lives for the better"

"I don't want to become a doctor" Jin said quietly, eyes staring at the marble floor they were walking on this entire time.

"Then why the hell have you wasted ten years studying for it?" Itachi asked fervently "You wasted someone else's spot that could have gone in since they wanted to become a doctor and the only one standing in their way was you, a piece of wasted space"

"YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT?" Jin yelled "I wanted to go to culinary school right out of high school but I knew my parents never would let me!" Jin said, before she closed her eyes in complete shame at her actions "I'm sorry, I shouldn't yell" Jin said quietly. Itachi looked smug before cockily leaning against the wall.

"It is all making sense now" He said with a smirk, and Jin looked up at the man "You need to learn to have a voice" He said "And that is the reason why you are here." His smirk grew until it matched his ego "No need to apologize Koneko, you have spunk. I think you'll fit in here just fine" Jin stood there in shock. Wasn't she going to get in trouble for raising her voice, for going against the head of this house? This place had her so very confused and out of whack.

Itachi, noticing her inner turmoil smirked once more, and with that he thrust himself off the wall and began walking again. Jin came out of her shock with enough space between the Hatter and herself that she had to run to catch up.

"What does Koneko mean?" Jin asked sincerely

"Kitten, for you, my dear Koneko, need to learn to grow up and have your own voice"

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