Yes I'm Changing

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Tame impala blares through the car speakers as my nails dig deeper into the steering wheel. I can't believe Elijah convinced me to go to orientation this weekend and he didn't even bother to leave the same night as me because all he cares about is stupid Kendall and how stupid Kendall feels and how stupid Kendall this and stupid Kendall tha-


I yell ''Fuck'' as i come to a complete stop almost missing the red light shining harshly with the soft lights of the small convenient stores surrounding the almost empty streets a few minutes outside of Los Angeles.

I can't wait to get this weekend over with.


I pull into the school immediately seeing the the red brick building with front glass windows and my eyes go in awe of how large this school is just from the front of it. Is there more? How many people attend this damn school?

I park a few meters away from where the grass reaches into the entrance and text Abby a quick "Here" before turning the car off and taking a quick breather to prepare myself for seeing my sister for the first time in 3 years.

Abby went to live with our dad when him and Mom parted ways and we've kept in touch but were never really that close, but the fact that she even offered for me to stay with her these next 3 days is very nerve-racking for me because we've both changed so much and its been so long since I have last seen her.

When we were younger she was this smart, free spirited, self aware person that I looked up to greatly and I hope she still has that light in her because I'm going to need some of that energy to get through this weekend.

I take another deep breathe in and step out of the car, opening the trunk and grabbing a duffle bag filled with some clothes and other necessities. I'm here for two days, I don't need a bigass suit case like all the other kids, roaming the courtyard, have in hand with them.

"Noeeeeeeeee" I hear from behind me as I lock my car and turn around.

I smile softly, setting my bag down and walking towards Abby, wrapping my arms around her tightly as I try to contain the tears starting to pool in my eyes.

Wow I missed her.

"Long time no see, huh?" she chuckles and holds me tighter.

"Yeahhh." Is the only thing that comes from my lips as I pull away and blink my eyes back into focus.

"So, how was the ride here?" She says with with a big goofy grin on her face. Yup still my abby.

"Haha, I hope it won't be this awkward all weekend." I say immediately regretting it.

She laughs nervously as she wraps her arm around me and starts leading me towards one of the brick buildings. She then reaches for my bag and smiles softly saying "So are you excited to be joining the Bruin Family officially, next month?"

I hesitate and answer honestly, trying to diminish both of our nerves.

"Honestly, I'm terrified and excited at the same time. I can believe that yes, I am changing and yes I am growing up but it's scary at the same time."

Abby stops and turns to face me, putting her hands on my shoulders. "It's okay to be nervous, I was nervous my first year too. It's all about being yourself and putting the important things first. Don't stress about it because you'll just self sabotage and that's never a good thing. OH and welcome to my building."

We stand in front of a tall yellow colored building with a big brown bear mural plastered across the side and the glass windows shimmering with the little light left in the sky.

Abby walks forward, checking her phone and raises an eyebrow. "I have an idea. I can take your bag upstairs and you check out campus a bit? If you're okay with that? Just want you to feel more comfortable, this being your new home for the next few years and all, blah blah blah."

I let out a soft chuckle and mess with one of my rings on my left hand.

"Yeah I guess you're right."

"Great. I will see you in a bit then? Have to get ready for tomorrow, big day for not only freshman but tour guides." she says stepping away slowly and adding in "Call me if you need anything okay?" before she turns around, quickly rushing into the building.

I don't want to know.

I start walking, checking out each building and frowning at the poorly made poster that reads "WELCOME FRESHMAN" in bright blue letters. Who made that? A 5 year old?

I sigh heavily as I walk towards a small red coffee shop at the end of the street.

I open the door and right away smell the sweet but strong stench of pure expresso. It's pretty empty for the most part seeing that there is still a few weeks before classes start this fall.

I walk up to the cashier who turns to me, rubbing her hands on her apron and welcoming me with a bright smile that makes me smile back.

"Hello I'm Karla, how may I help you today sweetie?" Her smile is truly contagious and she does not seem much older than me but still intimidates the hell out of me with how energized she seems at this time of day.

"I uhh, what do yo-, um can I just have a caramel iced coffee please." I stutter. All for good first impressions huh Noelle?

She chuckles to herself and starts taking out the ingredients, "Yes ma'am, right away. You're here for orientation aren't you?"

"Yeahhh how did you know?"

Well for one you can't even talk right, stupid.

"Just a guess." She says with a smirk pulling at her lips as she finishes up the drink, putting a cap on it and placing it on the counter in front of us. "That will be 7.86."

I pull out my wallet and dig into it and realize i only had a 5 because I forgot that i stopped at to get gas at this overly expensive gas station.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" I mutter to myself as I look up and start to panic.

"I- I'm sorry I- don-"

I am cut off by someone brushing my shoulder as they lean over me and place their credit card on the counter next to my coffee.

"Don't worry love, I've got this one."


Hiiiii omg I can't believe i am writing one of these. I am so nervous but I'm really excited because I have so many ideas for where this could go.

Not sure how to do this but I am going to continue this book and Its going to be my baby foreva.

I hope you like it :)

I'll be updating as soon as soon as I can. (already have 2 other chapters in my drafts hehe)

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