Strange Times

103 13 46

My eyes peel open at the sound of my incredibly loud Alarm clock and I press "off", sloppily picking my body up from the bed by my arms and look over at Abby's bed. Empty.

As soon as i Swing my legs off the bed I hear my phone ring again but it's a call from Elijah.

I pick up my phone and rub my eyes saying "Hello" in a low groggy voice as I adjust to the early morning that I'm not used to anymore since the last day of school.

"Open up" I hear from the other end and I throw my phone on the bed, heading to the door and unlocking it. As I swing the door open, Elijah immediately let's himself in.

"Glad to see you're up" he says tossing his bag on the ground next to my bed and sitting himself down on the desk chair in the corner of the small room.

Eli and I have been friends since 5th grade homeroom when our homeroom teacher decided to give us assigned seats because we were "disturbing her peace". Ever since then we pretty much did everything together. We never had a friendship where one falls for the other and i'm thankful for that because I always saw him as an older brother, even tho we are the same age. We've been through hell and back together, and I mean that literally. He was there for the good and bad moment, he was even the main chambelán in my Quinceañera. Now that we are older, our bond is a little looser because we both want to take different paths in life, which I totally respect. But what kind of cliche best friends would we be if we didn't go to the same college.

I head to the end of my bed and grab some clothes from my bag and start heading out the door. Thank god I applied for housing early and snagged myself a Jack and Jill dorm, because communal bathrooms aren't my thing.

"I'm gonna shower and then we can get going. What are we doing again." I say trying to hold in a yawn.

"Well we have to go to the Main hall for a few speeches from some professors and the head of the school and that will be about... 3 hours long and then we have the rest of the day to walk around and even take a tour of the entire campus. Pretty busy day today."

Rolling my eyes, I head across the hall into the communal showers and take a quick body shower. I also brush my teeth and toss my hair into a ponytail before I grab my things and head back into the room asking Eli to step out so I can change and he does so with his phone pressed to his ear, already annoying me with his lovey dovey bullshit with Kendall.

Eli and Kendall have been going really strong since his sophomore year of high school, according to them. They have actually broken up 5 times in the past 3 years but she's a sweet girl, even though she might not shut up sometimes. Kendall is a year younger than us so she is entering her Senior year and I don't know how they are going to do long distance but I do know that she will be applying to attend UCLA for the upcoming year.

 Kendall is a year younger than us so she is entering her Senior year and I don't know how they are going to do long distance but I do know that she will be applying to attend UCLA for the upcoming year

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