I Dont Know You Yet

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First day of school. First day of the rest of my life. The way I'm feeling right now is so indescribable and I mean that literally because I don't even have a name for it.

The past 4 weeks I spent all the time I could with Mom, but I had a lot of packing to do and thankfully I finished the night before I had to leave. I took pretty much everything except the furniture because the dorm I was assigned to came with all the basic necessities like a dresser and a bed and even a split closet for me and whoever I was sharing with. I had tried to get the room with Abby but they wouldn't let us do that because someone else had already been assigned to her. I hope the girl I was assigned with is nice.

As for Harry, he never texted me back that night and I'm not trying to complain but I'm curious why. I mean, he isn't expected to text me back or anything but for some reason I've been thinking about him a lot since the last time I saw him.

I try to shake the thoughts surfacing in my head and step out of my car, grabbing my water bottle and my backpack, throwing it over my shoulder. 'I can unload my car later' I think to myself as I grab 2 small boxes from my backseat and close the door with my foot. I begin walking towards a large yellow building, grateful that I found a parking spot not too far from the entrance.

It's almost 5pm and I left around 1pm. The traffic was brutal. I'm hoping and praying that my roommate is nice and that she lets me have some quiet while I take a nap because I really need it right now.

I technically don't start my classes until tomorrow but my mom suggested I come early and get adjusted. There are tons of people already here though because today is their last chance to sign up for any classes we didn't get the chance to before. I'm glad I did that months ago because I would be stuck in night classes or with people who would make me do the entire group project by myself. 

The building is swarmed with all kinds of girls ranging from the girls who look completely lost to the ones who seem to be familiar to this whole living arrangement. I'm not exactly either of those girls. I walk past them and into the first available elevator, juggling the two boxes in my arms and pressing the button to the 5th floor with my elbow. Two girls in the elevator with me are having a really loud conversation about what color looks better on this guy named Zayn and they hate the idea of him in yellow for some reason. Regardless, I could care less and as soon as the door slides open I practically run out of the elevator and head to my room. The door is an orange color.

The first thing that pops into my head is, 'isn't Harry's favorite color orange?'

As soon as I open the door, I drop everything I was holding and my eyes go wide. I couldn't believe my eyes and what I was witnessing.

A curly black haired girl looks at me as she was on top of another girl, blushing brightly as she clears her throat. "Oh.. you must be my roommate." she says calmly as she gets off of the other girl. "Yes, My names Noe-" I cut myself off as I gasp slightly, seeing that the other girl was Abby as she looks at me in shock. "N-Noelle..!" she says, stuttering as she gets up, fixing her hair as she looks at the curly haired girl.

"I... I can explain!" she said as she got nervous.  I didn't know what to say, still in shock as she tried to explain. I had no idea my sister was into girls, not that I have anything against that, I support the lgbtq+ community one hundred percent.

"It's okay, Abby. you don't have to explain yourself" I say, a bit awkward from what I saw. Abby was about to tell me something before her phone rang with a notification. "Crap... I got to go, they need me to help with organizing for tomorrow's first day.." she says as she gets up. The curly haired girl got up as well and she pulled Abby close to her for a small kiss, which I shyly and awkwardly looked away. "I'll see you later." the girl told Abby. "definitely." Abby responded back to her as she walked out, looking at me. "We'll talk about all of this when I'm free." she said nicely as she gave me a soft smile before leaving the dorm.

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