What have you done?!?!?!?

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I know I said I would do Yamamoto's P.O.V and I will but its coming a little later on in this update but I thought it was fitting to start with Gokudera because you know.....ya...... Anyway ,on with the update!!!!

Gokudera's P.O.V

We were all sitting in the meeting room when all of a

sudden are Vongolo rings started to glow and are

ancestors told us what Primo told Tsuna excluding the

part about Tsuna's condition.

*fancy time skip*

When we arrived at the past we were met with wide

eyes Daemon and Alaude even had startle expressions I

was about to announce are self's when we saw Tsuna

"Judaime" "Bossu" "Herbivore" "SAWADA" "Young

Vongolo" " Tsuna" was heard as we all rushed to him I

stood up and walked over to Primo he looked at me with

wide eyes " What did you do to him?!?!?!??!" "Nothing he

just passed out and said something about a Yuni i think

it was" " F*ck" I shouted. "Who's Yuni?" Lampo asked

curiously. Before I could yell at him the baseball freak

stepped up and spoke man he gets on my nerves..........

Yamamoto's P.O.V

Before Gokudera could yell at the not so bright Lampo.

"Yuni was Decimo's lover" he said reffering to Tsuna

properly (Yes I just did that,I thought it might at

some contrast so lets pretend they were

romantically involved) before they could ask what

happened to her I answered "she was shot when

another mafia attacked are mansion,and died in his

arms" silence "at first he refused to accept it he was in

denial then he realised she was dead he got depressed

then he started getting better

but the last month this has been happening and it takes


few days for his fever to go down" I stated sadly. Primo

nodded sadly, I continued "well as you've seen we all

resemble one of you as in were your decedents me

being Asari's decendent " I smiled Asari returned the


smile. Gokudera stepped forward "Im Gokudera

decendent of G" chrome stepped forward with her

trident/staff " im Chrome and im the decendent of

Dameon" then she shifted into Mukuro and he said " im

Mukuro decendent of Dameon" they stared in shock

when I explained "she and Mukuro are one being yet 2

separate ones in reality if that makes sense it still kinda

confuses us so its ok if you don't get it"

Ryohei stepped forward and said "Im Ryohei decendent

of Knuckle to the EXTREME" Knuckle looked satisfied.

Hibari stepped up and said

"I'll bite you to death, also im the decendent of Alaude".

The currently 16 year old Lambo stepped forward and

said " Im Lambo decendent of Lampo ". Lastly I said

while pointing to Tsuna "This is Tsunayoshi aka Tsuna

decendent of Primo and are boss"

Hope you liked it that's all folks i stayed up late and if I stay up any later I will get in trouble so bye bye.

Peace out ✌


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