Cheat; a Justin Bieber fanfiction

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Justin was the only person who understood me. And I understood him. Justin and I were the perfect couple. We both loved each other. Well, I thought he loved me..


Today I found yet another article about Justin cheating and blah blah blah. I looked closely to the picture to see if it was photoshopped. Nope, it was real. I felt tears burn my eyes. "That fucking liar." I said through clenched teeth. I bought the magazine and headed straight home to explain why I was leaving that cheating bastard. Why? What was wrong with me? Why did he have to cheat? I was faithful to him!


I walked to my front door and heard loud moans coming from inside. I had stopped crying, but now it was all rage, but I kept my cool, not wanting things to get really bad. I heard louder noises, and something squeaking.

"Yeah, oh Justin. Yeaaahhh." some girl moaned.

"This isn't happening."

"It c a n t be"

I hope you enjoyed!

Part 2 ?

Cheat; a Justin Bieber fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now