Chapter 5

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The ceiling was my friend for about 2 hours. My eyes didn't leave it for a second.

Suddenly, my eyes left the ceiling when I heard his voice with another voice.

Right, he had said he had company coming over today.

Great, I guess I have to stare at the ceiling for who knows how long.

And, I can't make a sound.

Well, this is my life now.


Suddenly the doorknob twisted. My body jumped up, starting to shake.

I didn't do anything, oh god. Now what?

"Woah woah woah! Don't go in there!" he said

"Why not? Why is the door locked?" a voice asked.

His voice was so familiar. I walked over to the door and placed my ear against it.

The voices were distant, but I could still hear what they were saying.

"Come on, have a seat." the man said.

"Well, I don't even know where to start." the other voice said.

"Ok, let me start. How's Autumn?" he asked.

Ok, now I have a reason to eavesdrop.

"That's the thing, Chase. I don't know how she is. I don't even know where she is." the voice said.

Chase. Sounds familiar.

"Justin, she's your girlfriend, how do you not know where she is?" Chase asked.


It's Justin who was his company for today.

I need to let him know I'm here.

"Chase, I don't wanna talk about what happened." Justin said.

"C'mon man. Tell me. I'm your best friend." Chase said.

Shit. Best friend?

Oh. My. God.

"Chase was his friend that came with us the movies that night with Megan as his date!" I said to myself.

"What was that?" Justin asked.

"I don't know. Let me check it out." Chase said.

Shit shit shit shit.

I ran over to the bed and tucked myself in and pretended to be asleep.

The door opened and Chase came over to me and shook me.

"Stop pretending to be asleep you bitch!" he whisper shouted.

I looked over to him and he slapped me.

My cheek stung and my eyes got blurry from the tears.

"Chase, who is that?" Justin said.

Chase looked over to Justin and pushed me off the bed.

My body hit the floor with a loud thud.

"Oh nobody! My new girlfriend." he said like he didn't just push me off the bed.

"Oh, well make sure she's ok, it sounded like it hurt when she hit the floor." Justin said.

"Oh, she's fine!" Chase said.

Cheat; a Justin Bieber fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now