The Court

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"Adrian Klepter, please rise," said Judge William Halls.

I stood up. I couldn't believe I was in court for this – technically, they (the Smith family) had robbed me. Jared Smith was the manager at the place where I worked. He hadn't given me a paycheck for the last two months! My own family is already poor, but for him to refuse to pay me for my work was unbearable. To make matters worse, I was the only, yes, the only one who was not payed. Enough about my story, we will cover more of that later.

"Raise your right hand. Do you promise that the testimony you shall give in the case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" asked Judge Halls.

"Yes, Your Honor," I said.

"Good. What were you doing on the night of October the twenty-fifth of the present year?" he asked.

"I was taking back what was rightfully mine. Jared Smith here refused to pay---"

"Stop," the Judge interrupted. "You answered my question, you needn't say anything more."

I was exasperated. This reminded me of elementary school teachers...

"You may be seated," Halls said. "Jared Smith, please rise." He made Jared swear to be truthful as well, but I could see a slight smirk on his face.

"Thank you, Mr. Smith," the Judge said. "We will come back to you in a moment. We shall listen to the offender's side of the story first, and then yours. You may be seated. Mr. Klepter, please rise again."

I stood up. The Judge asked me to relate to the assembly my side of the story, only the truth, mind you. I do not remember what I said exactly, but I shall relate to you what I remember of the events of that night.

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