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"Finn stop!"

"You're mine! And no one else's!"

"Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Say it. NOW!"

Clarke woke up with a gasp, shooting up in her bed. Her eyes darted around, wide in panic, taking in the purple painted walls, but they quickly closed because the light hurt them and she groaned at the pounding headache she had. She flopped back down onto the bed and groaned again. She opened her eyes for a moment to grab the purple blanket by her waist. She was about to go back to sleep when she frowned lightly. I don't have a purple blanket....or purple walls... Her eyes shot open once more and she gasped lightly as she took in the room she was in, which was definitely not Murphy's. Unlike Murphy's creamed colored walls, these walls were a deep shade of purple. There was a wooden dresser in the corner of the room, just a few feet away from the closet. A book bag was laid on the floor next to it.

"Fucking hell." Clarke muttered as she pulled herself out of the warm bed. She grabbed her head at the motion and cursed again. Her head hurt like hell and she had not idea where the fuck she was. She looked around and saw that her shoes were by the door, she went over and thought about picking them up, but decided against it when her stomach started to feel quite queasy at the motion. She reached her hand to the door handle of the room when she heard quiet voices on the other side.

"How do you even know she is awake?" She heard a whisper. Clarke frowned, wondering who it coiuld be.

"I don't." Clarke's eyes widened when she heard the second voice. Of course it would be Lexa. Of fucking course. She was going to kill Murphy after all this.

"So you're just going to wake up the druggie?" The first female voice said.

"I'm just going to check on her." Lexa said before whispering harshly. "And she's not a druggie!" In which Clarke rolled her eyes at, if only Lexa knew. Before Clarke could open the door to let them know she was indeed awake, the door swung open, hitting Clarke in the face in the process.

"OW! Fuck, fuck!" Clarke exclaimed as she fell on her ass. She held her nose in one hand and her head in the other, seeing as her headache just got ten times worse. "Fucking hell!"

"Clarke!" Lexa reclaimed. "I'm so sorry!" She reached forward to make sure the girl was alright. Clarke hissed between her teeth as she felt Lexa near her. This was so not how she thought her morning was going to go.

"Fuck." She hissed again before rubbing her nose. "I'm fuckiing fantastic."

"Are you sure?" Lexa asked worriedly, choosing to ignore Clarke's sarcastic remark.

"Yeah, yeah." Clarke said and with Lexa's help, got off the floor. Clarke groaned and swayed slightly when she did manage to get on her feet. Her stomach felt like it was about to empty. "Ugh.. where's your bathroom." Clarke managed to asked.

"It's just right down the ha-" Lexa didn't even finish her sentence before Clarke rushed off. Anya moved out of her way just in time. The two girls looked at eachother before the sound of retching reached their ears.

"You can be incharge of this one Commander." Anya said as she walked passed the younger brunette to the stairs. "I'll go make some breakfast and get her some advil." Lexa sighed and nodded before making her way towards the bathroom. Clarke was just finishing emptying her stomach when Lexa got here. She lied her head on the cool toilet seat and groaned.

"Fuck meee." She was never going to drink and get high ever again (or at least that's what she told herself at the moment.) She groaned before getting up. Lexa grabbed a cup from by the sink and filled it up, giving it to Clarke. The blonde murmured a small thanks before gurgling the water and spitting it out, getting rid of the awful taste. Once done she turned to Lexa, who was looking at her nervously.

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