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Clarke walked into the back alleys by the trailer park. She hummed to herself as she walked, coming back from school .She couldn't remembered the school day in honesty. It was just one big blur, but it was over and she wanted to get home to pick it up before her mother came home tonight. Well, if she came home that is. Where did her mother go nowadays? Clarke didn't know nor care. She was about five minutes away when she was suddenly slammed into the wall. She gasped as pain flared up her side.

"Hey there Princess." She heard a sickly sweet voice behind her. She froze, knowing the voice.

"F-finn..." Clarke stuttered as she turned and saw him, fearing shooting up her spine. He gave her a dark grin, twirling something in his right hand. Her eyes widened as she saw a dagger in it.

"Missed me Princess?" He asked and stepped closer to her.

"S-stay back." Clarke said, taking a step back only to bump into the wall.

"What's wrong Princess?" Finn asked, feining sweetness. "Didn't you miss me? Didn't you miss your man?" He said pressing up against her. "I know I missed you."

"Kiss me." He ordered. She shook her head, willing the tears to be kept back. All of a sudden the wind was knocked out of her and she was on the ground. Finn had punched her gut, then kicked her head. She cried out when she felt him punch her again.

"When are you going to learn, Clarke?" He growled, all fake sweetness gone. "You do as I say-" A punch to her back. "-whenever I say-" A kick to the side. "-do I make myself clear?!" She cried out as he kicked her, feeling a rib crack. She coughed and spat blood out, blood and snot dripping down her face and nose. He grabbed her hair and yanked her head up. "I said, do I-" All of a sudden he was thrown back.

"Get the fuck off of her." A voice growled. Clarke looked up to see Lexa standing over her. Finn growled, his face of pure rage before tackling her. She watched them exchange punches, but Finn was stronger than her. He pinned her down and repeatedly punched her, until she laid there.

"Lexa!" Clarke cried, watching her friend lay on the ground. Lexa tried to get up but Finn kicked her hands out from under her, making her fall face first into the ground again. "Finn! Please stop!" Clarke sobbed.

"This is what happens when you go against me Clarke." Finn said, picking up his fallen knife and walking back over to Lexa.

"I'm sorry! Please, I won't do it again!" She begged him. Finn grinned at her before turning and plunging the knife into Lexa.



Clarke woke with a gasp, shooting up. She looked around the room, her room, frantically for a few moments. She sighed in relief when she saw she was safe. She closed her eyes for a moment, calming her breathing before she remembered that she wasn't alone. Or at least she wasn't supposed to be alone. She glanced around the room and saw that a certain brunette was no longer with her.

"Lexa?" She called out, but not getting a reply straight away. Her eyes filled with tears. Lexa had left while she was asleep; probably because Clarke was just a burden on Lexa's shoulders. A tear escaped and silently fell down her cheek as she thought about it.

"Clarke?" Clarke's head snapped up as Lexa walked into the room. Lexa's eyes widened as she saw the tears in the girl's eyes. "Clarke? What's wrong?" She asked worriedly.

"I...I thought you left..." Clarke said, a sob of relief at seeing Lexa threatened to escape her. Lexa immediately walked over to the bed and embraced the blonde before pulling her into her lap. Clarke shook in her arms, crying silently.

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