Ch:2 Were done

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I tried to stand up and act like nothing happened.All eyes were now on me I could feel all of their stares. I've experienced this before, I've been in five different schools now I know they just feed off of my pain.But on the first day really?This all seemed unreal It feels like I was in a movie or a dream.I wish this was a dream.....
The bell rang which meant first period was starting.I got all of the required books and started walking to my class.I was the first one in there besides the teacher.
Before I could even sit down he said
"Um Caris Braxton"I replied awkwardly
"Your not from around here are you?"he questioned
"No sir"
After that awkward conversation people started walking into the room.They all sat far away from me.Soon every desk was filled except one.Tanner walked into the classroom smirking.There was no where else to sit but beside me.Without any hesitation he sat down.He didn't even care!Like how?Im such a ugly geek and he's perfect.I stared into is eyes.He noticed me and smiled.I embarrassed looked forward again.
"Hey sorry about all of that Katy can be a real bitch sometimes,I'm Tanner and you are?I shook my head not believing he talked to me but I quickly responded .
"Ya it's ok I mean it's not your fault but anyways um oh ya I'm Caris"
He again smiled and turned to face the teacher who was waiting for us to stop talking.
Class ended.
"Hey Caris!"shouted Tanner trying to catch up with me .
I was trying to walk fast so no one would notice me and everyone notices Tanner .All eyes again were on the two of us."Im having a party tonight do you want to come"
People started chatting.
"Sure"I said happily
I was finally feeling like I was starting to fit in.
Later that night
I texted my mom stating I was going out for awhile.In first period I remembered Tanner gave me his number.I phoned him.
"Hey"I said
"Oh hey caris"
"Uh what's your address?"
"Oh ya crap I totally forgot to tell you that Um where are you right now."
"By the mall"I stated
"K I'll come pick you up right away"
I didn't even know Tanner could drive.But to be honest there was a lot I didn't know about him.Although I wanted to know a lot more.He was so interesting he seems like he would be a jerk but he's really sweet he's really the only one that's been nice to me.Unless you count that one girl but I don't even know her name.After rambling to myself about all of Tanner's perfectness a convertible pulled up beside me.There inside of it was Tanner.Let me just say he looked amazing his hair was combed back and his blue eyes twinkled from the slight moonlight.
"Hop in"
I instantly pulled on the handle and sat down.He turned on the radio and luckily my favourite song came on.I started humming the words in my brain but not out loud.
"You look hot"Tanner flirted.
I surprised thought he was being sarcastic.
"Uh ok thanks but even if you did think I looked "hot" you have a girlfriend so why would you say that"
" Can't you take a compliment"he said sarcastically being hurt from my last comment.
"And besides I can still date someone and say girls are hot.
I then realized that I wasn't anyone special, he was a player he would say that to anyone decent looking and above.
We arrived at a large tan house.I could already hear the loud music and people screaming from the road.Tanner hopped out of the car and ran to my side.He opened my door.
What a gentlemen I thought sarcastically.
We walked inside of the house which was filled with drunk people and people without close on.I shielded my eyes.Tanner laughed but the smile soon turned to a frown when he saw Katy angrily standing at the door.
"Do you know how to read a phone!"she      angrily shouted at Tanner
Tanner checked his phone.
"Oops"he replied
"Oops,that's all you have say ?
Katy glared at me
"And you just had to pick up another girl I'm tired of you doing this Tanner this is not what couples do you know she just the new kid and your already flirting with her like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK TANNER!"she screamed
"You know what no I give up I'm done trying to forgive you were done!"
And with that she slammed the door shut and went home.I turned to Tanner.A blank expression was on his face he was obviously upset but his facial expression didn't quite show it.His eyes didn't sparkle as much and I new he had feelings for her.I somehow felt like this was all my fault I wanted to make him happy.
***************************************** I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.I posted two chapters in one day yay lol.Do you think Katy and Tanner will get back together.Does Tanner like Caris or is he just a player?

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