Ch:1 First Day

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I woke up to the sound of my mom banging on my door
"Caris,Honey it's  time to get ready"she exclaimed.
I slowly stumbled out of my bed and I somehow managed to walk across my room to my door.I slowly walked down the stairs leading to the main floor.In front of me my mom prepared breakfast.The sight of syrupy pancakes made my stomach growl.I anxiously took a seat and started to eat.I then picked out the perfect outfit and started to get undressed.I walked over to my mirror and saw a  girl who had green eyes,black hair and freckles surrounding her noes, staring back at me.In other words I was staring at my self ,just the plain old unattractive me.I quickly got dressed and started to brush out my hair.My long black hair got shoved into a high pony which gave me s bit of a face lift.
"You ready yet?" My mom questioned stepping into my room.
She smiled spotting me head to toe.
"You look beautiful"she mumbled
"Thanks mom and yes I just finished"
We walked outside of our house and into our new car.
She dropped me off at the front door of my new school.We waved goodbye and off I walked toward the school with my heavy backpack dragging behind me.The doors were opened by a older man.
"Thanks"I said
I went toward the office and got all the information about what classes in in what locker I have etc.People started staring at me which made me quite uncomfortable.I   nervously walk toward my locker and opened the door.My back pack was killing me I basically threw it on the ground. Tiredly I unzipped it and started unloading it and placing all of my binders and pencil cases  in my locker.All of the chattering in the halls of the school started getting silent. I turned around to see what was going on.The sound of high heels collided with the ground.I looked at the heels and followed up the body  seeing a tall blonde basically a Barbie doll.She wore pounds of makeup and had the perfect body.Beside her was a tall muscular boy with brown shaggy but kinda hot hair.His blue eyes sparkled.I couldn't help but notice how perfect they were and how perfect they looked together.
"Who are they?"I mumbled
The girl beside me instantly responded.
The girl there is Cathleen but people call her Katy,beside her is her boyfriend Tanner,their the IT couple,everyone either wants to date them or be them"she replied
I could see why I mean they were just so ......perfect.Katy strutted down the hall with her hair whipping behind her blowing kisses to any boys that caught her eye.Tanner on the other hand was catching the girls kisses and winking in a  returned matter.The couple started getting closer to me.Katy eyes me down and gave me a gross expression.She turned Tanner and whispered something in his ear.He looked at me smiled but in a nice way.I instantly blushed.Katy confused looked at Tanner and i'm pretty sure she said something about me.Tanner then laughed but I could tell it was fake and Katy could tell too.She pointed towards a boy.
"Me?"the boy questioned looking around to see if he was mistaken.
"Yes you come here "she replied in a flirty way
She whispered something in his ear.People started talking.He started walking towards me soon he was right in front of me.I could smell all of the cologne he was wearing.
"Sorry"he whispered to me
I was very confused but I started to have a idea on what was going on.He looked at me sadly and turned back at Katy to see that she was glaring him down nodding towards me.He looked back at me at took a step back.He then ran towards me and body check me into my locker.I yelped obviously in pain.People started laughing.A tear started to formed in my eye but no I would not let them see me cry I'm in high school now I'm not a little kid anymore.

I hope you guys liked the first chapter in my book.If you haven't already please check out my other book"Fallen Royals".I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it.Chapter 2 should be up soon.And please comment any suggestions so I can try to make my books even better.:)

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