Zayn Imagine Part 1

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You and Zayn just came home from a dinner you two had together. Things weren’t going well that night; you had been pissing each other of constantly. 

'ZAYN! JUST SHUT UP!' You yelled as you opened the door. He followed you inside, smacking the door. 

'ME?!?! I'M NOT THE ONE WHO IS COMPLAINING ABOUT EVERYTHING!' He yelled back, you could see how angry he was. 2 years, you have been together. 5 months ago he asked you to move in with him. 

'I'M NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT EVERYTHING! DON'T LIE!' You yelled, throwing your shoes over to the rest on the floor. 

'YOU ARE SO FUCKING ANNOYING CHRISTINA!' He yelled. He was in the kitchen, staring at you as you walked into him. 

'I SHOULD JUST LEAVE YOU THEN, SHOULDN'T I?!?!' You yelled back, frustrating. You have been having a quite rough time the last couple weeks. Your parents just got divorced, and you dad moved far away. 

'YOU ACTUALLY SHOULD! I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF I LOVE YOU ANYMORE!' He yelled. You both froze. You started to get tears in your eyes by what he had said. He realized what he had said, and ran over to you. 

'Don't you DARE to touch me!' You said strictly to Zayn. 

He stopped his motions and looked down at the ground, took a breath and looked up. But you were already in the process taking your shoes back on. 

'I'm coming for my stuff tomorrow....’ You said cold to him. This wasn't the first fight you two have had the last couple weeks. Since your parent's divorce, you have been quite emotional, and Zayn didn't really care about it. He was ignoring you whenever you tried talking about it, so in the end you didn't mention it. He had really gotten a lot different. 

'A...Are you leaving me?' Zayn looked at you, as you stood up. 

'I am' You said, trying not to cry' 

'Please don't Christina... I didn't mean what I said, I can't live without you' He said as tears rolled down his cheeks. 

'You should have thought about that for a long time ago, Zayn' you said, opened the door and walked away from your now ex-boyfriend. 

You didn't really know where to go; you hadn't really got any friends that weren’t Zayn's friends too. You decided to go stay at a hotel for the night, and figure out where to stay the next day. As you logged on your phone again, you got a bit surprised. 

'15 missed calls and 40 new messages....’ You whispered to yourself, whipping the new tears away from your face as you read the messages. All from Zayn. 

'Do you remember the time on the beach where you tried to get me into the water? But I didn't want to, so you lay with me and we looked like two lobsters when we got home? Or the time where we saw all the Harry Potter movies in a row?' He had written. The memories made you smile and giggle, but at the same time crying. 

'Remember the time when we had our first fight and you cried, running into your room. I followed you, sat outside your door for hours. Finally you opened, and I held you in my arms for several hours. Why can't it be that easy now? I wanna smell your hair... I wanna touch your skin... Please baby, come back....’ He had written. This made you cry a river. Suddenly, it knocked on the door. 

'Who's there?' You yelled, afraid that Zayn had followed you. 

'Christina?' You heard a familiar voice call. 

'Ha...Harry?' You asked, confusing. 

'I saw that you were crying, and ran after you, but I didn't catch you. What's wrong?' He asked worrying. You opened the door to let him in. 

'Oh darling, what happened?' He said, taking you in his arms. You both sat on the bed in the little room. 

'I broke up with Zayn....’ You whispered, trying to stop your sobbing. 

'Why?' He looked confused. You told him the whole story, how he just had ignored you through it all, etc. 

'I'm just gonna call Zayn....’ He said, getting up. 

'Please don't tell him where I am' you cried, as he walked out of the room. He came in after about 5 minutes. 

'You need to go home and fix this, NOW' Harry said, hurrying you up from your bed. 

'No, it's his own fault!' You said, not willing to get up. 

'You need to, no matter if you want it or not!' He said, taking you over his shoulder, running out of the hotel, and sat you inside his car. 

'Harry, please don't do this!!' You yelled at him. 

'I haven't got a choice' He just said, he sounded slightly worried. He finally stopped in front of yours and Zayn's apartment. He took you in the arm so you couldn’t' run away, and went up to the door and knocked on it. A few seconds later, the door opened. 

'Har...Babe?' Zayn looked shocked. His eyes were really red, and tears were stained on his cheek, and new ones where coming. 

'I'm... I'm so sorry baby' He said, trying to take your arm, but you moved. 

'Why have you being ignoring me for the past month?!' You yelled at him. 

'I don't know, okay!? I haven't been myself at all; I don't know what's going on! I just... I just love you so much that you can't even imagine it, and I’ve been blind. You don't deserve to be treated like that. I'll promise that I’ll do anything in the world to be a better boyfriend to you, just give me another chance?' 

'I don't know, Zayn....’ You whispered, crying more than before. 

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