5. Of Waking and Wandering

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Sophia woke up groggily and rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hands. She could hear a faint beeping probably created by the alarm on her phone, she glanced around still  disoriented and caught sight of her jacket. Sophia reached over and grabbed the pocket of her coat, sure enough it was vibrating like crazy she deftly moved her hand into the pocket and grabbed the still moving cell. She swiped to turn off the alert and the room was suddenly silent but for the regular breaths coming out of her lips.

Sophia took a moment to assess her surroundings, it took her only seconds to figure out exactly where she was and for the memories of the previous night to wash over her. Dionne rolled over on the couch and promptly fell off, she almost managed to sleep through it like she obviously did the alarm however she shifted again and her side rested on the sharp corner of the Nanny McPhee dvd case. Dionne groaned and sat up looking rather disheveled and irate. Sophia realized in that  moment that they were both fully dressed, she marveled at Dionne's ability to sleep in skinny jeans and was rather glad that she had had the sense to wear leggings.

Sophia stood up on wobbly legs and stumbled along the mattress laid out on the floor in front of the television, "Dave," she shouted, "Where are you?" she continued walking towards the kitchen hoping for breakfast. Dionne followed her if a bit slower, she tripped twice but managed to valiantly save herself and regain her balance. "I'm in here. Do you want toast Sophia? Dionne, you want cucumber and jam right?"

Sophia looked at Dionne aghast "Cucumber and jam?"

Dionne looked mortified "It's really nice if you try it."

"I assume this means that you've been here a few more times than I was aware of?" Sophia raised an accusing eyebrow, Dionne looked even more guilty.

"Well, he has all the good movies and... and candy and... his couch is really comfy and... and yeah."

"Oh I'm sure." Sophia smirked and ruffled Dionne's bed head, she did not look impressed. Sophia skipped into the kitchen "Yes please, I would love some toast. Do you have butter?"

"Yup," he popped the 'P', "It's in the fridge, second shelf from the top on the right I think."

The toast jumped out with a bang and Dionne pranced in she grabbed the already made toast from the bench covered with - as Dave had said - jam and cucumber. Sophia scooped up the new pieces of toast from the toaster and walked towards the fridge she opened it and searched for the butter. The first thing she saw was a huge cake which was terribly iced with pink, orange and blue icing a clear mark of Dionne's work. She turned and glared at her friend "Just how many times have you been here in the past week alone? It has obviously been more than once."

"Well you see I kind of... Oh look, butter!" Dionne was terrible at avoiding questions but she knew Sophia well and Sophia was starving, the butter was at that time far more important. Sophia lunged for it and laughed victoriously then she looked around for a knife, spotting an open drawer she trotted to it and luckily found a knife.

She finally had her toast ready and crunched into it happily, when she was done she had the mental power to contemplate the unsettling events of the previous nights. She started to analyse her options, she knew full well that she had to contact James the question was when and how and how she could prepare herself for the conversation. You have to look into the past to see the future her over philosophical brother had said, but that had been before everything, before the death that had wrecked them all the death which they were only just starting to heal from. She hated the past but it was unavoidable if she wanted to move on and get somewhere let alone if she wanted to stick to her moral compass. Her moral compass was the entire reason she had decided to study law, she'd wanted to put criminals in jail and save innocents.

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