I never listened.

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I've done this a million times. How will this time matter. No one needs to know.

I took it in my hand. The cover said " Smoking Kills" with a man , lungs filled with black tar. Is this what happens to me? I hope it does. I want it all to end soon. I'm tired if doing this. I'm tired of smoking. I'm waiting for my tunnel with bright white light at the end.

They say," Life is a gift". This is the only gift I got, which I never wanted.

I removed it out of the pack and rolled it between my fingers. The sun is bright orange and the clouds seem to blend in with the sky and is nothing compared to the orange fiery ball.

Cool wind whipped through the air. I hugged onto my jacket. I lit it and watched how the stick burned. Part by part ashes flew away with the wind. The ashes define me. Heart as dark as the ash, flying away from all I've known.

I took a drag. I felt happy but then it changed. I started wheezing, clutching on to my stomach. Finally, my time is come? I never expected it to end this way. No, stop, I don't want to die like this. I want it to be fast. This is too painful it's indescribable.

My heart was going to burst. I could hear it pounding against my chest. And then silence feel unto the earth. I never went into the light.

But, soon later I heard the angels of Hell scream, as I heard the sirens.

This chapter, is to spread the message that smoking is bad and nothing good comes out of it. I don't smoke. This is just my fictional outlook on things.

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