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I fumbled around in my closet for something to wear, finding it a little cold to walk outside in my pajamas. My hands were shaking with excitement, the amount of information I had just recieved running through my head at an incredible speed. I was elated that Barry finally opened up to me about his secret and let me into his head a little more. It was a huge gesture of trust, and it was beyond flattering. I had done my best to let him in on everything that I had been through in my past, so all there was to tell him was that I possessed a deep-set insecurity about how people felt about me. I was hesitant to tell him, though, because I knew that he was going to react the same way just about everyone did: telling me repeatedly that I wasn't annoying to them. I knew that Barry, of all people, would only tell me once and do his best to show me instead of tell me, but I just wasn't up for one of those conversations at the moment. Today had gotten infinitely better, and I didn't want to do anything that would run the chance of ruining it.

I hastily pulled out an old, long-sleeved All Time Low shirt I had gotten at the first concert I saw them at and threw it on over my tank top. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans off of the floor and traded in my pajama shorts for the thick material. I put on a pair of socks before pulling on my black Vans, making sure that I had my phone and my keys in my pocket before meeting Barry back in the living room of the loft. He was standing over by the fireplace, looking at the pictures that I had put there ironically. Most of them were old family photos I had had with me for a while and others were of friends back in Starling City. By the frame, I could tell that he was holding the one of Hallie and me on her 23rd birthday.

I had met Hallie on my first day at Starling Metro. She'd been working as the forensic photographer for about six months to help pay off her student loans. She told me that she had dreams of going on tour with musicians and photographing them instead of dead bodies. I thought that she certainly had the talent for it, and we would take a lot of trips out to Dave and Susan's farm so that she could take landscape and animal pictures. She was the best friend that I had had since Malerie, and I hated that I didn't talk to her as much as I wanted to. She had finally gotten to achieve her dream, managing to score a gig with a band going on its first world tour about three months ago. They had already been through Asia, Australia, and most of Europe by now. I knew that they were due back in the States any time now, and I was going to do my best to meet up with her when she made her way back to Starling City. I wanted to hear all about her travels and her experience with the band. I had seen the majority of her pictures, and, like I had before, I told her that they were magnificent.

"That's Hallie." I informed Barry, catching his attention. "I met her at Starling Metro, but she's a band photographer now."

"Is she the one that's always traveling?"

I nodded. "From what I've seen, she's having a lot of fun. But the tour's ending in the next couple of months, so you can meet her when she comes home."

He smiled. "I'd like that." He put the picture back on the mantle and made his way over to where I was, dodging all of the furniture in his path. "So, are you ready to go?"

I nodded. "Yep. Do you want to take a cab?"

He shook his head with a smile, and I furrowed my brow slightly. He gently grabbed my waist, and I felt like I was flying alongside a jet. Literally in the blink of an eye, we were standing inside a completely different room, my stray hairs blown back against my head. I laughed, looking around at the setting that told me we were now in S.T.A.R. Labs in complete shock. I had read about this lab when I was back in Starling, and I was upset that something with so much potential had failed. I was enraged to hear that Harrison Wells had prior knowledge of what could have happened when he turned the accelerator online. I heard Barry chuckle at my astonishment, and I looked at him.

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