Chapter 15

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August 28th

Zayn has been dealing with his shop alone, letting Perrie handle the broken lad down in the basement. It's been a whole day including today, that he hasn't seen Harry. 

Perrie suggested that he stay out of the way and let her take care of the blood losing lad who was beyond sick now. His wounds were surely infected, his teeth were either chipped nor missing along with his fingers and one of his toes from when Zayn decided to smash it up with the heel of his heavy boot. 

He tried to find every excuse to go down and check up on the model, Perrie would fight with him about the whole thing. Telling him that it would be best if he stayed out of the room, that it would help Harry calm his nerves and let him rest for awhile since he's getting sicker ans sicker with every by passing minute.  

Zayn knew that it was all his fault, you can't just hate and beat up on someone just because they were born with the riches and fame. You can't just physically hurt somebody that has emotionally hurt others, there's many ways to deal with stuck up people who think their lives are hard. 

Yet...Zayn chose to hurt the god like model with all the pain  he was holding back, sure he pissed off about what Harry has done and said to those who needed the help, sure he was pissed that Harry had disrespected perrie at her own shop, he was fuming with all sorts of anger while thinking back with what happened with Niall and Liam. 

The two men that cared and did everything harry told them to, Security guard that is married and blessed with a beautiful baby and then you have the makeup/hair artist who has been there to take all the harsh words that were either thrown at him or talked about by others. 

Zayn just wanted to help, to make the young model see that not everyone has the life he does. That not everyone is as happy and spoiled as he is, that not everyone can live off of gold coins and limos. 

Harry's a brat, Zayn had already figured that but his stupid heart was aiming for the looks and giggles. He had never met anybody that was so conceited and full of themselves, now that he has...he wants to regret it but than again, he wants to show them the pain others are feeling around the world.

 He has done pretty much everything that was written down in his journal, he has tortured and spat at the man who pissed him off the most. There was something missing though, something Zayn really couldn't wrap his head around. 

''I mashed up the crackers for him to nibble on since half his teeth are completely ripped from their gums. Stitched up a few holes in his mouth, a few deep wounds that were gushing green and yellow infection from his neck and lower back, i gave him some antibiotics so that should help a little. Smashed a few painkillers in his water to, i'm going to go get some bread now. You better not do anything to hurt him again, i swear have really dug yourself into a deeper hole, this is by far the worst plan you had ever come up with. You're stupid sometimes but this....this made you a fine art of insane.'' 

Perrie was still upset with zayn's decisions, knowing that he has never fucked up this bad in his life but this is just something that really can't be solved without being thrown behind bars. 

''I already told you, i wasn't thinking. I was already freaked out by kidnapping the lad, that i didn't think anything would help me from even touching him. He's the type to sue someone Perrie, i don't have that kind of money to save my own arse. Just please, do something to help him...If he dies, you know how much trouble i would be in?! Tons of fucking trouble, i might even end up murdered in my own fucking shop because of it.'' 

Thinking about it, Zayn started to freak out as his breathing started up. Perrie was always one to calm him down, to let him know that things are going to be alright when really...she doesn't know. 

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