Chapter 4

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Zayn (POV) August 11th

I hung out with Perrie all day at my comic shop, letting her talk me into having helpers her for when i start the whole comic selling that's going to be making me more money that a whole years pay. 

I'm excited but yet...Not really since there's going to be too damn much here, i can't have people roaming around each aisle while making mess. Perrie agreed to help out but that's not enough, not that i'm not happy about her helping out or anything. 

She really is the greatest in my book, her being a single lesbian now without true love. I can't help but feel the slightest bit of pain that stung my aching heart. 

She needs someone special in her life and someone that will love her for good and not act like some one night fling. Looking down at the magazine i had ordered the other day, Harry was once again on the front cover. Looking sexier than ever, nothing but a pillow covering up his man parts and than white glitter coating his amazing eyes.

 That eye shadow has me melting, he's very beautiful and i can't even see myself wanting to be or obsess over someone else without meeting Harry. I have dreamed so many times that i had met him but than again, that's never going to happen since he doesn't care for people like me.

 I don't blame him though, he's gorgeous and i'm just me, he has every right in the world to not want me in his life. I'm not giving up, i'll finally succeed on my dream, i want to meet him but how? He doesn't like meeting those who don't matter in his book.

''If you're still thinking about Harry than i'm going to smack you silly. Stop thinking so much about someone that won't even notice you, put more attention in this damn shop and this event that you're going to be pulling. I can't believe you canceled for last night though, people were excited to come by and get their shit...Even the new comics that were going to take lives. But no....You needed to back out and hide away, did you even give that lady her son's comic? You know...The one for his birthday or something?'' 

Crossing my arms, i had called the lady since it came in a little early, she did pick it up and of course she pecked my cheek with a thank you note being left on top of my glass counter.

''You already know that i get my shit done when it's needed or when i have nothing better to do. Other than that, everything gets done around this place rather you think so or not. I'm not some lazy arse comic seller who doesn't care for others needs, stop trying to find something to put on me when i have everything else done with. I'm sorry for acting like such a douche but i'm not feeling all too well. Sure i closed up the shop last night, i wasn't feeling good and i needed time to think about what i was getting myself into. Doing this once every three months is perfect but i don't know anymore. I guess i'm just second guessing myself, i need to stop stressing over the dreams i have been gaining and start seeing reality as the truth. Sorry again, let's clean up and get ready for tonight.'' 

Perrie seemed unsure, she's always too caring for me which doesn't bother me at all. I love her and she knows it, she's like my sister...More like twin sister that is.

''It's fine Zaynie, sorry for pissing you off and making you feel like no one cares. I care so much about you and i want what's best for you and you're future. No counting you're fantasy about Harry that is, please don't bring him up around me today. I kind of don't want to hear how he's doing and why he's acting like such a child at the moment, do you think we can stay at you're place after the whole event tonight? I don't feel like going home to my cat and dealing with her pregnancy, i told you she was pregnant right?'' 

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