Intro: The Meeting

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July 3rd, 2015:

I sat there while my parents debated on whether or not to go to our usual place for fireworks this year. I personally didn't care where we went although I wasn't going to enjoy going alone since my sister was out of town and my friends both had plans with their families. They didn't debate long, maybe 10 minutes if that. They decided to go. I was glad because they had the best firework show that I had been to in my 16 years of life. I suppose if you're going to read this I should give you a little information about my life.

I'm Sage, I am 16 years old, I have a mother, a father and a sister, I have a cat and a dog, I have two amazing friends that I would do anything for. Oh and I live just outside of Chicago. I'm single too not that you wanted to know but as they say, "The more you know."

It was a Friday night and I was with my best friends Amara and Lynn. It was a pretty good day and little did Lynn and I know that we were out past curfew forgetting it was only Friday but no worries nothing happened. But other than that most of my summer was spent with these two seeing as they were my only friends that talked to me, well beside Camryn but she didn't live by me. She lived in Michigan. So yeah Lynn and Amara was about all I had. Well other than my sister, Piper, who would be leaving me next month. So I spent a lot of time with her too. But most of my time was with Lynn and Amara. We did everything with each other. Well almost everything but we did spend a lot of our time together doing crazy shit. No we didn't smoke or drink we were just generally crazy people and all three of us together was just even more craziness.

I had come home after dropping Lynn off back home. My sister wasn't home and it was 11 at night so I just showered and headed to bed. Recently I had been dozing off so soon I mean I went to bed at 11 what 16 year old does that during the summer? Not many.

July 4th, 2015:

I woke the next morning too tired for someone who goes to bed so early but I had to start getting ready to head to the firework show. We spend almost all day there which is okay. If you have someone your age with you but since I didn't and I was going with my mom, dad and aunt I was kind of out of place. I still make an effort to look decent since you never know what could happen.

It was about and hour drive south since it was fairly close to the city. When we got there the first thing we did was find a spot since it would get fairly crowded later on in the day. After we got settled into our spot we decided to go over to the little shop in the park. When we walked in I instantly noticed someone. Of course his back was turned to me but just from the looks of that he seemed pretty attractive. I walked over to the other side of the shop which was a bad idea because it was too crowded. I saw my dad talking to someone with my aunt and my mom over there so I stumbled over there since there was so many people. And there he was. The guy I had seen the back of well now we're face to face and let me tell you he was really really hot.

I'd be lying if I said my face wasn't completely burning up. I was pretty speechless too but what's a girl to do when there's a really attractive guy in front of her.

"Yeah this is the baby of the family." My dad said pulling me closer to him.

"Yeah yeah." I said back embarrassed.

"Yeah. My son here just graduated high school." His dad said.

I was only going to be a junior in high school so now I thought my chances were pretty slim. But turns out he was going to school in Illinois only about an hour and a half from where I lived. But then after a while we parted ways and me being me found his Facebook and sent him a friend request. He accepted it.

I spent the next hours just thinking about him and I didn't even know him! When the show was over I decided to message him and ask about what he thought about it. He replied a little while later saying about he didn't stay for it and asked me how the firework show was in my town. Well turns out he totally didn't realize I was the same Sage met earlier that day. We stayed up until one in the morning and I knew that my life had changed within a day.

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