t w e n t y - s e v e n

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lou: goodmorning haz

me: well well well look what the cat dragged in

lou: no one or animal is dragging me anywhere

me: anyways, goodmorning lou x
lou: im sorry i didnt reply to u yesterday

me: its fine

lou: are u able to hang out today?

me: ehh idk

me: m gonna be really busy today

lou: UGH

me: yeah i know

lou: ill ttyl bye

me: ? byee??????!?!?

i sat my phone down and sighed. i hate when he does this.

"mum, can i pleaseeeee go see louis?" i'd been asking this all day.

"not now harry." she said once again.

"pleaseeeee pleaseeee pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" begging was my best bet honestly.

"jesus harry, go, but be back by four." she was annoyed and i could tell.

"THANK YOU MUM. i love you bye."

shooting a glance at the clock on the wall, i saw it was only about one.

me: meet me at the cafe we were at a few days ago! x

lou: what?


at least he couldnt be mad at me anymore.



harry told me to meet him at the cafe but what for?

he told me he was busy..

i grabbed a jacket and threw my shoes on not bothering to get dressed really. a shirt and some sweats would have to do.

id ask mom for a ride but i knew she was busy.

i sighed to myself knowing id have to walk about 10-15 minutes to get there.

i stepped out the door and the cold wind hit me hard. looking around, i noticed my street was quite deserted, which was unusual.

i began my trek to the cafe slightly annoyed at the almost burning cold. my nose was suffering.

i smiled slightly when i approached the street the cafe was on. once i made it to the cafe's door, i sighed in relief.

stepping inside i smiled, only because i was no longer freezing.

and maybe because the curly haired boy i was so quickly infatuated with was sitting at a table towards the back.

i walked towards him and saw that he had two cups of what looked to be hot chocolate.

i sat down and he looked up at me.

a smile covered his face and his dimples began to show.

he had fucking craters in his face like jesus.

"hi lou," he spoke up. his voice was just so heavenly and it made me want to melt because oh gods. it was just so deep and velvety and it killed me.

"hey haz," then of course my voice just had to be, in my opinion, annoying.

he slid a cup over to me.

i thanked him quietly and began to sip on it.

"i have to leave at four," he said once i sat my cup down.

"okay, well until then lets have fun."

he smirked at me, "and how will we doing that?"

i giggled quietly, "no not like that you fuckin pervert."

he laughed. and it wasnt just any laugh. it was the one where he threw his head back and the smile on his face was wide and his dimples were protruding and he just looked godly.

i basically cooed over his face silently.

once he stopped laughing he looked back towards me.

"let's cause trouble," harry whispered.

a mischievous glint was very present in his eyes.

i knew he was serious too.

1.2k reads. thank you. really :)

could you guys possibly vote or comment?

i know i say it a lot but really, it doesnt take much for you to hit a star and/or give me some type of feedback.

anyways. this story, if i can keep updating, will be over by sunday.

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