Newt's Suicide Attempt

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I got up at the crack of dawn, just like all the other Runners. The day started out normal enough, but I hated it here. Every single day that passed was another spent in agony.

What I had been burdened with, I called it a curse. I remembered more than the others, though not much. All I knew was that I had a sister... and a best friend... and that Newt wasn't my real name. I couldn't ever remember anything beyond that, including what my real name actually was... I don't even know how I knew. Newt. It just wasn't me. It didn't feel like my name.

The whole morning went by in a hazy blur. I was slower than normal, staying at the back of the group. I don't even remember it happening, but I had branched off from the others at some point. Next thing I knew, I was in a completely different area. To be honest, I'd never seen it before. At the time, I had no idea what I was even doing.

But even I don't believe that. I think some part of me knew what I was going to do. I began climbing up the vines that lined the wall of the Maze. What I was doing, it didn't even feel like it was happening to me. It felt like I was in some other universe, watching some other person climb up the massive stone wall.

Finally, I reached the top. Everything almost seemed to move in slow motion. For some reason, I broke down right there, crying. No, not crying. Sobbing. But it only lasted a short while before I redeemed myself. I stood up, and looked across the vast expanse of winding pathways spread before me. I took a step towards the edge.

It was as if my body had a mind of it's own. I didn't have to tell it to do anything. Maybe that's why it was so easy... I squeezed my eyes shut and felt a small, single tear slip out and slide down my grimy face.

"I'm sorry Alby," I whispered, then took one last step forward, allowing myself to plummet to the rock hard ground below.

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