Ch. 1

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[A/N] Hi! This is my first story on wattpad like evr, and it's a boyxboy!! Anyho enjoy!


"Nixon!!! Wake up Brother!!"

Jax's voice rang through my head and I blindly grabbed a pillow to fling at him as he yelled in my ear. As I grasped a pillow he jumped onto me joining my bed, and further interrupting my sleep.

I threw the pillow and I heard a yelp and a thud. Mission accompished!!!! I rolled back over and dug my face deeper into the pillow.

Suddenly something cold found it's way across my bare skin and I launched from my sleep soaking wet with ice water. Gasping I glared at Jax, who wore a sheepish look on his face.

"I hate you." I grumbled finally getting up from my bed. Damn my brother to be the only teenage boy ever to wake up before the goddamn sun rises. His dirty blonde hair fell over his eyes as he held a large blue plastic cup in his hands. His deep chocolate brown eyes never met mine.

He was my twin brother, granted we look nothing alike, he has blonde hair and brown eyes while I have shaggy black hair styled scenely and bright green eyes. He's 6'1 and a quarterback while I'm 5'11 and emo, I'm the bullied while he's the bully (not really, but you get the point right?) I am bullied but my brother has no idea. Its my dirty little secret.

"Sorry Nix, but we were going to be late for school." I looked at the clock and groaned.

"It's only seven thirty Jaxon!!" he shrugged while I got up and walked into my bathroom "Oh and you're washing those sheets Jackass." I said over my shoulder.

"NIX!!! Come on!!"

"You got them soaked, You can clean them up!" I yelled back, I drowned out his protests and groans by turning on my shower and stripping down. I showered quickly and climbed out, to my surprise my bed was stripped and the pillow cases were gone. I smirked, and walked to my closet.

For today I chose a white V-neck, black skinnies, black sliver studded doc martens, and a black beanie. I slid on my black 'sex' bracelets, covering most of my wrist, and put in my sliver snake bites. I put in my fake skull gauges and secured on the pointy back. I fussed with my hair until it was awesome. Feeling satisfied I walked out of my room to hear a knock on the door.

I ran to the door and when I opened it I was tackled into a hug by my 5'9 best friend Angel. She pulled back and kissed me straight on the lips, our usual greeting. I kissed her back and grinned, her brightly pale blue eyes shimmering. She pulled back and twirled for me. She was wearing a dark blue sleeveless Jean jacket, a black tankie tucked into a red and black plaid skirt that went above her belly button and ended just above mid thigh, black tutu material stuck out from the bottom in layers and she was wearing black doc martens with silver skulls with bows on them attached to chains, a black beanie with red lace on it finished her look. Her long black hair flowed past her hips in loose curls, her hot pink tips spun and bounced around her. She was one of the prettiest girls in our grade and I was an extremely lucky gay guy. She looped her arm through my elbow and walked toward the kitchen dragging me behind.

"So Nixy, how was your summer?" I smirked and leaned my head on hers.

"You should know, we spent the whole summer locked in my room playing Black Ops two zombies." she giggled and tugged me closer.

Fan girls.

"So in other words it was filled with me?" I chuckled and nodded she smiled and stepped into my kitchen, running straight to my mom to hug her around the waist.

"MOMMY!" she cried in happiness. My mother chuckled and pulled her into a hug, kissing the top of her head.

"Hi Angel. Nixion yell for your goddamn brother, he's probably playing with his hair again, it looks fine!" she cried in exasperation. I nodded and ran to the stairs.

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