Ch. 5

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I walked into the kitchen biting the inside of my cheek, over and over again. I bit it hard enough to draw blood. I licked at the metallic spot loving the taste of blood.

Angel always told me I was a sadistic and masochistic little fuck, I'd always chuckle and agree. Who am I to deny the truth? I shivered at the feeling and smirked. Knowing she was 100% correct.

So what I liked it a little rough is that so wrong?

"Where's Hanley?" Jax asked as he bit into the cold pizza we had in the fridge.

"Bathroom." I replied shortly, Jax held his hands up in surrender.

"I didn't know Gays could get their periods too." Boston snickered and I punched him in the arm. "OW!! " he screeched and I smirked.

"I didn't know gays could get their periods too." I mocked as he rubbed his arm "Bullshit you deserved it." I sat at the island and yawned.

He pouted and stuck his tongue out at me, I stuck my tongue out at him and began to play with my snake bites the front door opened and slammed.

"Nixon!!" Angel yelled through the house her tone was angry and annoyed. "I hate my life!!" she said as she came into the kitchen and draped herself over my lap. Her long hair almost touched the ground as she arched over my lap dramatically.

"Oh come on it can't be that bad." I said poking her flat stomach, she sat up slightly looking at me with a raised brow.

"Oh really? I get two siblings. A seven year old and.." a boy with bleach blonde hair and Hazel eyes stepped into the kitchen, my heart pounded in my chest.

"DEMI?!?" I screamed jumping up, Angel fell to the floor with a light thud and she growled.

"Nixon?" he smiled brightly and ran into my arms I side-stepped Angel's swinging fist and caught Demi as he jumped into them.

"God I missed you!!" he said hugging me tightly. I chuckled and set him down, his eyes shown brightly and he bit his lip and sighed.

"Um, did I miss something?" Boston said as he helped Angel off the ground. Realization hit and I chuckled lightly.

"This is Demitri Lyons." he waved at everyone sand gave a tight yet sweet smile. "Remember that summer I went to art and calligraphy camp?" they nodded slowly "Well we met there and became pretty close." he smirked and started to laugh.

"Remember when we push Ashly Carmichael into the lake?" I nodded laughing.

"God he was soo Pissed!! We spent the rest of camp hiding from him!" he held his stomach laughing and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Guess what?"

"What?" I smiled

"He is now my boyfriend." my jaw dropped to the floor before I regained my composure.

"Oh My God, seriously?" I chuckled and he nodded again

"Two months next Friday." my eyes widened and Hanley stepped into the kitchen adjusting himself, I blushed and cleared my throat. Demi looked up and smiled.

"This is your boyfriend, yeah?" I choked on my own spit and Angel hit my back hard then rubbed it gently, eyes narrowed. Everyone else stood quietly eyes wide and mouths opened in shock.

I felt my world shake in shock and I couldn't breathe momentarily.

"DEMI!! GOD NO!!!" I yelled the shock subsiding "Hanley is like a brother to me!!" I said it even though it hurt, he may still talk to me and say it's ok I'm gay but doesn't mean he'd be ok with me crushing on him!! That would be weird. Plus I got something going on with Adrian.



It stung to hear those words leave his mouth but it was the truth. The cold, hard, and extremely painful truth.

I was like a brother. Nothing more and maybe a little bit less. And I hated it. I wanted to be so much more and we couldn't. Even if we couldn't be together just being in his life was enough, just enough to fulfill my not so newly found addiction to him.

And the more I got addicted the more painful it got and the more hooked I became. I couldn't let go, I didn't have it in me.

A hand fell on my shoulders and when I opened my eyes I was staring into perfectly blindingly green ones, my breath unknowingly caught as I stared and everything else disappeared. My deadly Addiction was standing right before my eyes so close. Close enough for a touch, a simple caress and peck, but none of it could happen and my world shattered.

The pieces collected at my feet and I fought tears with all my strength and won. Barely.

"You okay Han?" I nodded and shrugged him away walking towards Jax and Boston, who was still standing by Angel for some unknown reason. I shook my head a plastered on a fake bright smile.

"Yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" I asked looking my deadly addiction right in the eyes. With that little look my addiction grew to a new height, one that I had no idea existed. Pulling me deeper into my obsession and love for him. He eyed me for a second before shrugging defeated.

It hurt to see him turn away from me that easily, maybe I meant a little less to him then I thought.


The sky brightened and the day heated to insane levels. It burned your skin to just peak at the outside.

"Who wants to go swimming?" Angel asked as she picked at the black nail polish covering her nails, I shivered at the sight. The stinging radiating though out my arm again. I looked at the white gauze covering the deep crescents carved into my skin. She had one hell of a grip. And one hell of swing, judging by the bruise still sporting Jax's cheek and jaw.

"It's still raining Ang," Nix said as he laid his head on her lap half asleep. She ran her fingers through his hair and jealously hit me like a brick wall.

It wasn't fair. She could touch him without being looked at weird, without it being out of the ordinary. She had everything. Beauty, popularity, heart, and Nixon. Sometimes I hate her with a burning passion that would put Hell to shame.

"Oh but come on it's only drizzling, Nixy!!!! Plus its really Hot!!" she complained still playing with his soft hair. Mumbling incoherently under his breath he sat up and rolled his eyes.

"Fine." she got up and hugged Nixon from behind. He shrugged her off with a smile and yawned "you guys wanna join?" I shrugged nonchalantly but in my head I was screaming yes. The others nodded while Nix bit his lip and began to play with his snake bites, god this boy is going to kill me. He flipped his hair and dragged Angel from the couch. And brought her upstairs.

"Does anybody find it unfair that he can see her naked?" Boston blurted while pulling his lips to the side. The Demi kid eyes widened to the size of silver dollars. While Jax snickered, I sat there with a raised brow and my heart quickening.

Why is it that I'm Jealous of a girl? Well two short years ago Angel told me that she had a huge crush on him and wanted to date him, and she's been known to get whatever she wants.


Hellur pplz!! I'm just sitting here reading and writing which extremely confusing, believe me.

John: Then stop reading.

Me: fuck no. I'm addicted!!! yet I need to write.

john: you are a confusing fucker. (he shakes his head in shame)

Me: well daddy dearest I guess it rubs off now doesn't it?"

John: asshat ( gets up and leaves the room)

"Nell: what does that mean?

Skye: (shaking her head in disappointment) Idiots

Me : (Faceplam)


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~ †Storm ♥

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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