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Well iv'e been bored lately so why not another chapter, even though its short -_-



I walked out into the street, still a little fazed from Uta kissing me, and as Uta predicted there was Touka waiting for me. She looked bored. 

"Geez Kaneki, what took you so long? Iv'e been here for 30 minutes!" 

"I-i'm sorry Touka, I had to... try on different masks!" I nervously chuckled. "I got one!" I raised my new leather mask in the air. Touka looked unsure for a moment then sighed.

 "Well, we better get back to the shop..." she said as she started walking back down the alley. I slowly followed after her. Our quiet foot-steps echoed along the narrow alleyway. All of a sudden Touka stopped half way which caused me to bump into her back.

"T-Touka? is something wrong?" I asked cautiously asked while she just stood there. Touka turned abruptly and glared at me. I suddenly felt uncomfortable with how close we were. She yanked my collar of my shirt off my shoulder."Wha?!"  

"Who did this?" She asked angrily as she traced the bite mark Uta had left. 

"Oww!" I winced, "Don't touch it, it hurts!" She removed her hand but still wouldn't break her gaze with me. 

"DID SOMEONE TRY TO EAT YOU AGAIN?!" She roared and grabbed me by the shirt and lifted me up. 

"Touka.. calm down, no one tried to eat me okay," she slowly relaxed and let me down. " At least I-I don't think so.." She balled her fist.

"Was it Uta?! If it is, i'm gonna kick that perverted tattoo freaks ass!!" My eyes widened. For some reason, even if Uta forced me into doing pervy stuff, I didn't want Uta to get hurt because of it.

"No!" I yelled out as I grabbed the sleeve of Touka's shirt. "I forced him into it. I told him to kiss me and.. b-bite me. So it's not his fault!" Touka's eyes only seemed to burn with more anger. 

"Why him? You don't even know him.. or things he has done." She looked off in the distance. 


"Whatever kaneki, sleep with him, see if I care." She said as she continued walking back to the cafe. I watched her back the whole way back to the shop and I felt that she actually did care and if I must admit, I really was scared of how Touka was handling this.


yea it's short, sorry, i'm a person with 0% motivation to do anything! :(

hoped you enjoyed it! ( ~^_^)~ *.*

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