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Heyo! Welcome back! Here's what you have all been waiting for!! Chapter 5! Enjoy.. Btw the song above is in Uta's POV... This chapter is gonna be good ლ('ڡ'ლ)


I slipped into some black dress pants and almost stumbled over in the process. I really need to work on my balance... I threw a white collared shirt over my shoulder not bothering to button it till later. I sighed and laid on my bed trying to calm my nerves. Be calm Kaneki... Its fine, its a just meal with Uta.. I blushed and groaned. I turned over to have my face smack right into a pillow. I exhaled loudly like the 10th time since the call ended. I thought of what Uta would be wearing as I felt my eyelids growing heavy, all this stress really makes me tired.... Before I realized it I had fallen in the dark nothingness known as sleep. 

My eyes flew awake. I struggled to get untangled from the bedsheet. They clung onto me as to say, 'don't go! We have more sleep to do!' but I fought them in frustration. I finally found my feet onto the floor. I sighed and looked at my digital alarm clock, it all looked like a red blur so I wiped my eyes with my hand until they started to focus. My eyes grew wide as I saw what time the clock displayed, 4:50. I bolted out of bed almost falling on my face but catching myself on the edge of my desk. I ran toward the bathroom and quickly as possible, brushed my hair and teeth. I buttoned up my shirt but I glanced in the mirror to find the buttons totally disarranged. I growled at the mistake that took up more of my time. This happened about 5-6 times before I finally got the tiny white buttons in proper order. I threw on a black sweater that was sort of dressy but not over the top. I grabbed a dark grey tie carefully tying the silk material around my neck before tucking it into the sweater. I glanced at the clock again, 4:55. Never again, never again. I repeated to myself angrily as I forced my black shoes onto my feet without socks. Then I was out the door running down the street towards Uta's part of town. I saw many people glance at me in awe and curiosity but I decided getting there on time was more important to me than peoples opinions. 

I finally made it to his shop/home. I stood out in front of his door to catch my breath. I probably looked like a mess between the wind blown hair and sweat. I gulped as I checked my watch, 5:05. Not bad, just five minutes late. I exhaled, and ran my hand through hair. I slowly knocked on the door cautiously. I heard light foot steps and then the door swung open. I sucked in a sharp breath as I saw Uta. He looked beautiful, His hair tied back in its usual place but his bangs were slicked back with hair gel. He wore a white collared shirt that was mostly open showing all his tattoos on his chest and neck, with a tux thrown over his shoulder but not buttoned up. He had on some baggy black jeans, a piece of clothing to show he was still rebellious no matter what the occasion. He smiled warmly at me.

"Care to come in?" 

I blushed slightly and waddled in awkwardly. "Thanks, for uh, having me." I said quietly. He suddenly grabbed my chin, I gasped waiting for him to kiss me or do something but instead I felt the light material of my cloth eyepatch begin to fall off. He smirked at my reaction. 

"You don't need to hide that here.." He said smugly. My eyes grew wide with surprise then I let my head fall down with embarrassment. I mentally punished myself for that. What did I expect? Uta said he wouldn't attack me tonight, what was I getting my hopes up for? "Here have a seat." He stated as he pulled out a chair for me. I sat down trying to avoid his gaze by keeping my head down. I suddenly felt kinda of exposed without my eyepatch and Uta staring right through me. I always wore that thing everywhere and I kind of missed it right now. Uta sighed. Was I boring him? "Are you gonna look at me at all tonight?" He asked with a slight sad chuckle. I looked up to see an expression of Uta that made me go wild. 

"I'm sorry Uta, i'm just really nervous tonight.."

"I said I wouldn't attack you.. so why?" I blushed as looked around the store to find something to look at. A few seconds passed before Uta spoke up.

"Do you perhaps... like me?" He asked in a monotone voice. I jumped at the mention of the word 'like' and started to get fidgety in my seat. I could feel him stareing at me intently waiting for a response. Sweat trickled down the side of my head. All of sudden all I could hear was the bang of the chair falling to the floor as Uta reached across the table to pull me into a deep passion filled kiss. At first I was in shock of the sudden action but then I slowly let my mouth and face relax into the sudden kiss. It was a kiss like something iv'e never expirenced before. It was filled with emotion nothing like the sloppy kisses we share that day in his shop. He slowly let his tounge into my mouth, he began to sensually massage my tounge wrapping it around in circles creating fricton that sent shivers of plessure all the way down to my lower half. He finally pulled out to leave me hanging with a strand of saliva trickling down my chin. He pulled his chair back up to the table and sat down. He groaned and put on a expression of longing.

"You're mouth is so addicting, Kaneki..." He said as he stared at me hungrily. I blushed slightly and put my hand over my mouth. I sat up. 

"I'm gonna go make some tea." I said as I quickly tried to get out of the spotlight that was placed upon me. I stopped when I felt warm arms embrace me from the back. "Uta?" I said unsurely. I have never seen him act like this. It kinda frighted me.

"Kaneki.... don't go anywhere." He said as his gripped my waist tighter.

"I'm just going to find some tea Uta, I'll be right back." I said chuckling. He didn't respond or gave any intention of letting me go, so we just stood there for a few minutes. Finally he spoke. He leaned close my ear as his chin rested in between my neck and shoulder and whispered, 

"I love you."

I stood still in shock. Uta... loves me? My heart beated loudly. A sudden rush of clarity came upon me. I was in love with Uta as well. We shared the same feelings toward each other. So what do I do to show I feel the same. My hand started trembling in nervousness. "Kaneki?" Uta said with a worried tone. I gulped. Uta's feelings are being given to me, how will I respond? Suddenly an idea popped in my head. I turned around to meet face to face with Uta's chest. I looked up with tears forming in my eyes and my whole body shaking. I grabbed a fistful of Uta's shirt to bring him closer because I couldn't quite reach and I pressed my lips softly to his. He got the hint and bent over more and brought me closer to him... if that was possible. The kiss lasted longer than our french kiss but it somehow felt more important. Once we both came back down from our kiss. I whispered Into his chest, my voice cracking as I sobbed silently,

"I love you too."


WHOOoooo... kinda of a longer chapter huh? but i'm not complaining! I decided to go towards the romantic route with this story.. This isn't the last chapter.. There will probably be one more, then after that i'll upload specials!! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Writing this on valentines day cuz I need some kind romance in my life. (ಥ_ಥ) Find out if these two truly get the happy ending they wish for in the next chapter!! ◕‿↼ Farewell till then!

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