Breaking Promises.

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This is one of my pet peeves.

I hate when people make promises and I get my hopes up and excited.

One of my older sisters has two boys. I have two nephews and two nieces. My sister and her kids were suppose to come over this weekend since my family hasn't seen them since we moved. She isn't coming anymore since she changed her mind and I cried because I'm so over her shit.

I could care less if she came (Rude right? Not to me.) I love my nephews to death and I would put a cap in someone's ass of anyone ever harmed them or my sister even tho she's pissing me off.

This isn't the first time this happened when my sister said she was coming and didn't. I cry every time she does that shit like damn.

My nieces are Hawaiian and probably Samoan desent. My oldest sister is white and she lives in Hawaii with her fiance and kids. I understand why they don't come up as often because one it's hella expensive to fly from Hawaii to Ohio ( not including a car rental, food, etc.)

I met my youngest niece this year in may when my sister and her fiance came to visit us with their kid. Her fiance is cool not only because he brought us Hawaiian candy and astronaut food but he's a nice guy.

I just hate when people break promises makes me wanna break my foot off in their ass.

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