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A. "I dont know"
B. "I have no flying fuck of an idea"
C. "Uhhh, can I just pick the one with the hottest captain?"
(your choice)
"Jeez, this is getting us nowhere. You're hopeless."
"Well we did only just meet 13 minutes ago, and the time wasted in between our conversation was about 5 minutes."
(Wasted 5 minutes=
-awkward silences
-dodging cannonballs
-irrelevant commentary)
"Seriously?!" Nami and Chopper said in suprise. "How did you figure that out?"
"I guess I spent too much time talking with Rayleigh."
You took a glance at your old, rustic pocketwatch. You seemed to have forgotten it was in your pocket. Damn, it was cracked. You couldn't keep the time.
"That's a really cool watch!" said Chopper.
"Oh uh, I got it from my parents."
You never recieved it directly from them, the townspeople said that they left it for you when they passed.
"Back to this." Nami said with a snap of her fingers.
"What are we gonna do about you?"
"Oh, uh, I don't know. [Restate previous choice]"
Just as Nami was about to suggest a plan, another cannon ball came flying at you.
She pushed you.
"Oi, watch out."
You stumbled down the steps somehow, and ended up in the arms of some scary guy with a mask. He was currently fighting.
"Uh, pass."
He half pushed half threw you back at the steps. You landed into a long-nosed man's arms: one younger than you.
"Oh-uh--ahem pass~" he pushed you.
You were getting pushed around trying to find a pirate crew. Those who didn't knkw what was going on just joined in on a 'fun' activity.
"Oops." You were finally caught in someone's arms. His hair was shaggy under the hat that read "PENGUIN".
"Well what do we have here, Shachi?"
"Oh come on Penguin get your hands off of her, I want a warm introduction as well." 🌚
For some reason you threw up a peace sign.
"Yo, I'm (f/n) (l/n)."

Enslaved By You: A Trafalgar Law x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now