twenty eight ✧ camera roll & prom theme

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+ harry's pov +

"Ethel, love?" Zayn knocked on her bedroom door which was finally relocated back in her original room.

"Zayn, come on it." Ethel's tone was quiet through the door. Zayn opened the door, and stepped to the side allowing me in first.

"Hello babe. How are you?" I asked Ethel who smiled in sight of us.

"I haven't seen you lovelies in a while." Ethel smiled weakly. "I've been better. How are you two?"

"We're well," I spoke. "We brought you some flowers." Zayn smiled softly, placing them on her night side table.

"I've been getting a lot of those lately," Ethel laughed. "I missed you two."

"We missed you too, love." I spoke watching Zayn sit down on the chair located next to Ethel's bed.

"Babe," Zayn mouthed, pulling me down and having me sit on his lap.

I blushed.

"You two make a very lovely couple." Ethel grinned. "I was always excited for the day you two would finally get together."

"Ethel," I mumbled, blushing even harder than I already was.

"I'm in love." Zayn stated clearly, kissing my cheek.

"Shut up babe." I rolled my eyes, enjoying what Zayn had to say. "C'mon then, I've got to check Vern."

"Okay love. Ethel, we're off for now, but we'll be back before dinner okay?" Zayn spoke getting up after I had gotten up.

"Okay love. Thank you for stopping by." She smiled warmly at us.

Zayn and I walked out of the room and made out way to the hall. "So, Vern's room is on the lower level?" Zayn asked, looking right at me.

"Yeah," My cheeks flushed red for the millionth time as we made our way to the elevator.

Zayn punched the code in and waited for the elevator to open up for us.

When it did, Zayn let me in first.

The doors shut and Zayn turned to me. "Remember the time we got stuck in here?"

I pressed L. "Yes."

"I remember I wrapped my arm around you. Greatest feeling of my life," Zayn came towards me. "All I ever wanted to do was kiss you back then." Zayn pushed me gently against the wall.

"Zayn what are you doing?" I looked down.

"Now, I can kiss you whenever I want, you know?" He crashed his lips against mine.

"Yes, of course." I mumbled in between kisses.

When the elevator door opened, we quickly parted and Zayn smirked. "I just love you so, so much."

"Well, of course you do." I spoke, walking out in front of Zayn.

He followed behind me, and grabbed my hand. "Vern's room is this way,"

☆*:.。. later

When I got home that night, Dani was in the kitchen sitting at the breakfast bar with my parents.

"Hey," I smiled, trailing into the kitchen.

"Hello love, how was the retirement home tonight?" Mum asked me, while taking a plate full of food out of the microwave.

"It was good.. Hey Dani..?" I sat down beside her.

"Why are you acting so weird? I just came to say hi." Dani giggled. "Since you're always spending time with that boyfriend.." Dani looked at my parents.

"Danielle came to tell us that you've got a secret boyfriend?" Dad smirked at me.

"He's not secret. I was going to tell you." I paused. "Plus, it's been just a couple of days. It hasn't been that long, Trust me."

"You should invite him over. What's his name?" Mum questioned, handing me the plate of food. "Let me grab a fork," she opened the little drawer on the opposite side of the breakfast bar and handed me a fork.

"Zayn. It's the boy I went to dinner with yesterday." I stated, gathering forkfuls of food.

A sudden, Dad's phone rung. "Client," He mumbled. "I've got to take this," he scurried out of the room.

"Continue, love." Mum said. "I'd like to hear about this mysterious boy."

"He's absolutely, unconditionally, altogether, naturally stunning." Dani added in, taking a breath after her long phrase.

I pointed at her. "Exactly,"

"Do you have a photo of him, love?" Mum questioned me, pulling up a chair and sitting down.

Dani whipped out her phone. "Yes, of course I do. I've got photos of him, photos of him and Harry and photos from his Instagram. Zayn's just, so, so pleasing."

I almost choked. "'M'God," I covered my mouth trying to speak.

"Show me Danielle." Mum grinned, shaking her head. "Maybe I should come to Danielle next time I'd like information."

Dani winked at Mum.

I peered over her shoulder to see her going into her Camera Roll and tapping albums.

She actually had an album called Zarry.

"Oh my goodness," I covered my face.

Dani handed Mum her phone, with that album opened.

"Wow!" Mum exclaimed. "He is very appealing.. How'd you manage to score that?"

I shot Mum a flat look, and Dani gave her a high five. "I thought the same thing Anne,"

Dani and mum continued looking through the many photos of Zayn, until mum let Dani and I be alone.

"It's prom season soon." Dani stated, absolutely excited.

"Yeah soon as in 4 months." I chuckled, getting up and putting my plate in the dishwasher after having finishing my dinner.

"Yes, I realize. Is there anyone in particular that you'd like to ask?" I asked Dani, smirking.

"No." Dani stated clearly. "I think I'm going to go with El as friends."

I nodded. "Okay."

"But! I'm on the prom committee and I can tell you the theme. It's supposed to be a secret, but you're my favorite person in the world sooo," She giggled, and got up making her way to the living room.

"Okay, go." I sat down on the couch in front of her.

"We're doing masquerade ball themed." Dani spoke happily. "Everyone's going to have to wear a mask, and girls will be in nice big dresses.." She went on and on.

☆*:.。. authors note ☆*:.。

[filler chapter]

Okay, first of all, thank you so, so, so, so much for 10k reads!

Wow, I just.. Oh my GosH!!! Thank you so much for all of your lovely feedback and support with this story it really, really means a lot!

Also, yes, sadly this story will be ending soon, but not too, too soon.

I really, really hope you enjoyed the book so far.

You guys have been so kind.

++ i published a new zarry story shameless self promo

it's called ravishing. ;-)

I love you all!


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