Chapter 12

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Snow and Charming waited nervously in their castle, wondering. What was that witch doing to Emma? Was she okay?
"Oh, David, I can't take it anymore!" Snow exclaimed. "We should have just gone to Oz to look for her. I can't stand just sitting here, doing nothing!"
"I know. But if Emma really doesn't know anything, Zelena might let her go."
"Yeah, 'might'." Snow mumbled.
Just then, a cloud of green smoke appeared in the center of the room. The smoke cleared to reveal Zelena standing behind Emma, gripping both of her arms.
"Mom, Dad!" Emma shouted.
"Emma!" Snow exclaimed.
Charming stepped forward and drew his sword. "Let her go, witch!"
"Ah!" Zelena said sharply, taking a quick step back. "There's no need for violence. Just simply tell me where Regina is, and nobody will get hurt. But should you be uncooperative," Zelena pulled out a small dagger and held it against Emma's throat. "I'm not against spilling a little blood to get what I want."
"Why do you need to know where Regina is?" Charming asked.
"I'm afraid that's not important." Zelena said. "Now, you have five seconds to tell me where she is before I slit your daughter's throat wide open. Five. . .four. . .three. . .two. . .one!"

❦ ❦ ❦ ❦

✧New York✧
Lily walked quickly through the busy crowds in order to get back to the apartment she shared with her fiancé. Neither of them were from here, and they had been longing to go back to where they were originally from. And tucked safely in her jeans pocket was something that could hopefully take them there. Every few seconds, she felt her pocket to make sure that it was still there, even though her pants were tight enough that it was unlikely that anything would work its way out of her pockets. In her pocket, she carried a magic bean that was able to create portals to anywhere you could think of. She had gotten it from an elderly man who called himself 'the Apprentice'. He was the first one who had told her about where she came from and who she was. Lily had always felt different, and now she knew why: she had been born in the Enchanted Forest to the sorceress Maleficent. But she had been sent here through a portal when she was a baby. Now she wanted to know why.
Lily arrived at the apartment and opened the door. She was greeted by her fiancé, Neal, who gave her a quick kiss.
"Did you get it?" he asked.
"Yep!" Lily said as she pulled the tiny clear-blue bean out of her pocket.
"Perfect!" Neal exclaimed.
Neal was also originally from the Enchanted Forest. His name had been Baelfire back then, and he was the son of Rumplestiltskin. After his father had become the Dark One, Bae tried to find a way to cure his father. The only way was to get to a world where there was no magic. He had gotten a magic bean from the Blue Fairy and got his dad to agree to go to this 'land without magic'. But at the last second, Rumple had chosen to keep his powers instead of following his son, leaving teenaged Baelfire all alone in a strange new world. But now he wanted to go back and try to find his papa, to confront him about what had happened so long ago.
"Are you ready to go?" Neal asked.
"Absolutely!" Lily said. She handed Neal the bean.
"Let's hope this works." he said as he tossed it onto the floor. At first, it just sat there. But soon it began to glow and spin. Suddenly, it disappeared through the floor and the floor opened up into a swirling portal.
The couple looked at each other and smiled. They clasped their hands together tightly and, after a countdown from three, jumped into the portal.
I know this chapter was short, so I'm really sorry about that. I was going to make it longer, but I'm really tired (it's currently 11:49pm here, and I've been up since about 5:30am), and I didn't want to keep you guys waiting any longer. I hope you liked it anyway!
Okay, bye bye for now! I'm off to get some sleep.

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