Chapter 13

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✧The Enchanted Forest✧
Regina huffed as she turned over on her little bed, trying to sleep. When it became apparent that she would not be falling asleep anytime soon, she flopped onto her back and growled.
"What is it now, dearie?" Rumple asked irritatedly. Regina had been trying different positions in which to fall asleep, and her constant noises of frustration were on the verge of driving him crazy. Well, crazier than usual.
"This bed is too da-n hard!" Regina announced.
"It's the same one you've had for eighteen years." Rumple huffed. He was extremely tired of all her complaining that seemingly had no end.
"And I haven't had a decent night's sleep in all those years!" Regina grumbled.
"In case you haven't noticed, dearie, we're in prison; not the palace." Rumplestiltskin began. "Therefore, we should not expect to be comfortable."
"Wow, thank you for that brilliant insight, dearie." Regina said sarcastically.
"Oh, you're welcome." Rumple snarked.
Rolling her eyes, Regina turned onto her side in yet another attempt to fall asleep.

Regina didn't know how long she had been asleep when she was awoken by the sound of someone trying to get her attention.
The former queen did her best to ignore it, but it happened again.
Regina sighed. "Cut it out!" she said. "I was just asleep, but you woke me up."
Still, the sound came yet again. "Psst!"
"Rumple, I told you-" Regina began harshly, but was cut off.
"Try again, dear." came the soft, yet intimidating voice of a woman.
Regina quickly turned to see who this stranger was. It was a woman wearing a black dress, much like one Regina would have worn herself, long, red hair, and. . .green skin? Regina rubbed her eyes and looked again. Nope, it was real. This woman actually had green skin.
"Who are you?" Regina asked. "I've never seen you before."
"My name is Zelena," the woman said with a wicked smile. "and I'm your sister."


Okay, I know this chapter was SUPER short, and I'm really sorry about that! I will try to make the next one longer. I hope you liked it anyway though.
I'll try to update again soon, but I make no promises because I get pretty busy around the holidays, so I may not be able to update again for a while depending on my schedule.
Thank you so much for all of the votes, comments, and views! I hope you all have a great day/night! Okay, bye! 😘

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