Chapter 11

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When their ship finally caught up to the Jolly Roger, Hook let Snow and David on board. Both of them drew their swords and pointed them at the pirate.
"Where is she?" demanded David.
"I don't know." Hook replied.
"Who was that woman who took her?" Snow asked.
"Zelena, the Wicked Witch." Hook answered.
"From Oz?" David asked.
"You mean, she actually exists? I had heard stories, but I never thought-" Snow said.
"But she is. Unfortunately." Hook interrupted.
"Do you know how to get to Oz?" Snow asked.
"I do." Hook answered.
"Take us there." Snow said.
"I'm not sure that's such a good idea." Hook said.
"Why not?" she asked.
"Because I know what Zelena wants. She'll soon realize that Emma doesn't know anything and come after you two instead."
"What does she want?" David asked.

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Emma noticed that suddenly, the ground beneath her feet was no longer shifting. There was no more wind. The air didn't smell like sea water anymore. She also noticed that she had been holding her eyes shut. She quickly opened them and saw that she was in what looked to be a cave. The floor was made of dirt, and the walls were hard rock. Emma looked around for an opening, but found none. She was trapped.
"Hello, Emma." she heard Zelena say behind her. She quickly spun around to face the Wicked Witch.
"What am I doing here?" Emma asked angrily.
"I'm looking for someone, and you're going to tell me where they are." Zelena said.
Emma crossed her arms. "I'm not in the habit of helping green witches." she said, mentally wincing; that had sounded so much better in her head.
"Oh. Well then, would you prefer me like this?" Zelena grasped a necklace Emma hadn't noticed she had been wearing, and the clear stone glowed green. And just like that, Zelena's green skin faded and changed to pale, white skin.
"Better?" she asked.
Wide-eyed, Emma asked, "How did you do that?"
"A glamor spell." Zelena replied, letting the necklace drop back to her chest. "Now, where were we? Oh yes! You were just about to cooperate."
"No I wasn't." Emma said flatly.
Zelena sighed. "I was hoping this would be easier." She thrust her hands at Emma, causing her to fly backwards and hit the hard wall with her back. Chains appeared and clamped themselves to Emma's wrists and ankles.
"Now," Zelena began. "I'm looking for my sister, and I think you know where she is."
"Don't know her." Emma shook her head. "I'm pretty sure I'd remember meeting someone else with green skin."
Zelena balled her hands into fists and stomped her foot. "Enough with the green comments!" she screamed, her voice echoing off of the walls. Then she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, she appeared to have calmed down.
"As I was saying, I'm looking for my sister. Her name is Regina."
A look of recognition flashed across Emma's face; she had heard that name before. Regina was Snow White's step-mother. She had tried to cast a terrible curse, but David had caught her and put her in a prison before she could do so. Only, Emma had no idea where this prison was.
"Ah, so you do know her!" Zelena said upon seeing Emma's reaction.
"I don't know her." Emma corrected.
"You're lying." Zelena hissed.
The two glared at each other for a long while, each waiting for the other to give up.
Without removing her eyes from Emma, Zelena opened her mouth and said, "Come here, my pet."
Emma heard something moving in the shadows. She looked and saw a pair of ruby eyes glowing in the darkness. Then the creature stepped into the light. It was a large monkey with fur that was colored a grayish white, and it had huge wings. It walked on all fours and stopped by Zelena's side. The witch reached out and began stroking the fur on the top of its head.
"I'm going to ask you once more; where is Regina?" Zelena asked.
"I don't know." Emma boldly replied.
Zelena leaned over and whispered into her pet's ear. The creature nodded its head and locked its beady eyes on the young princess.
Emma shivered as it stalked closer and closer. Suddenly, it leapt at her, making her scream. It landed in front of her with its front paws braced against the wall on either side of Emma's head.
Emma opened her eyes slightly to see it staring directly into her face. It began to growl as it slowly leaned forward, baring its sharp teeth mere inches from Emma's nose.
"I don't know her." Emma whimpered.
"I don't believe you." Zelena said.
"I don't, I swear!" Emma yelled as the beast continued getting closer. "I don't know her! My parents put her in a special prison, but I have no idea where it is!" She squeezed her eyes shut and turned her head so that her cheek touched the cool wall. "Please!" she whined.
"'Please' what?" Zelena asked.
"Please call off your stupid ape! I've told you all that I know!" Emma yelled.
"Fine." Zelena agreed. With a flick of her wrist, the flying monkey was gone.
Emma breathed a sigh of relief. Then the chains vanished into smoke.
Zelena stalked towards Emma and grabbed her wrist again.
"What are you-"
"Paying a visit to the people who know where I can find my sister. You're coming to ensure that I get what I want."
Emma gulped nervously.
So, now you know why Zelena wanted Emma. Is it what you were expecting?
Why do you think Zelena is trying to find Regina?
On another note, I am so excited for tonight! Season 5 starts! Woo hoo! Although I might not be able to watch it until Monday if my family and I go to the evening service at our church. But I'm planning on writing episode reviews after I watch each one. If you'd like to see those, I'll be writing them in my book, Rants and other Randomness.
Okay, that's it for now! I'll try to update again soon! 😘

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