||Chapter 2||

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Chapter 2

"Pass the tub." Riley whined.

I took a giant spoonful of vanilla ice cream and handed over the tub. We were all lazing around on my back porch, eating ice cream and listening to music. No one was home so I was a little confused to where they had all gone. I knew dad had taken Lux and Lou to the cinema, mum was out doing shopping and Zander had gone to do something for the house. Alex and Felix were out somewhere, it was just unusual to have the house quiet, let alone empty.

"Celeste was extra . . . bitchy today." Kody said as she tapped her pencil against the deck.

"Indeed, do you reckon it has something to do with Ashton?" Riley replied.

"Or maybe because El dibbed him." Kody winked at me with a cheeky smile.

I shook my head, feeling a little annoyed they were making such a big deal out of this. Before I could defend myself, my phone started to ring. I sighed and walked inside and picked up my phone that was laying on the island. I answered, "Hello?"

"It's Ashton. I'm picking up some books from your mum to give to my mum."

"Whatever. Come around the back, don't bother knocking."

I hung up without waiting for a reply. It was Thursday afternoon and this was the first time we had spoken since Monday at school. Suddenly annoyed, I went outside into the backyard and paced for a little bit before I booted the soccer ball that was just laying around. It ended up hitting the wooden fence instead of going into the goal and cracked it in half. The fence was old so therefor it was broken down and weak already.

"What's wrong with you?" Claire asked.

"Ash is coming around and I don't want him to." I huffed angrily and started punching the punching bag that was hanging from the tree.

"Why're you angry?"

"Because he's an asshole!"

He had shoved me during these past three days, constantly tripping me, getting me in trouble, hell he even stole my table. What pissed me off most is that he hung out with Celeste and it annoyed me so much I snapped my lunch tray and had to pay for a new one. I didn't even have a reason to get annoyed but I did.

"Calm down, love. I know you're excited to see me."

I took in a deep breath, "Let's just go and grab those books, shall we?"

I stormed angrily into the house and upstairs to grab the books. As I suspected, they were in my mums' studio in a cardboard box that was layered in dust. I heard Ash's heavy footsteps on the hardwood floor, there were about seven of them before I felt his breath on the back of my neck. I saw a sticky note on top of the box, it read:


There was one more box but your father and I didn't have enough time to get it down from the cupboard in the book room. Could you please give that to Ash? It isn't books though so be VERY careful.

Catch ya later! :)

Sighing, I walked towards the door on the other side of the studio and opened the heavy door, leading to the book room. Basically the book room was a small library, my chill out zone. Books were everywhere, I have records lying around, a few cups from drinking tea and a record player. It was very bright as the curtain was open.

I saw the box. It was way too high for me to reach but I wasn't going to ask him for help. Pulling a pedestal from underneath one of the shelves, I hopped up onto it and reached up for the box. I eventually got nowhere and I became frustrated.

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