4. Scared

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After Emil dragged his laughing brother out the room, you were left alone, smiling to yourself. He came back in shortly after, his face still quite red. You yourself were curious.

"Emil? What does it mean?" You innocently asked, making his face turn as red as it was then when you said it. He shook his head vehemently.

"N-Nothing!" He stuttered. "Anyway, are you feeling better?" He asked. You gave a slight nod, but you felt uneasiness down in the pit of your stomach. He was going to ask, wasn't he? "(F/N), look at me." He said, shivers ran down your spine as you looked up, your eyes met his, he was deadly serious.

"Yeah?" You muttered.

"What were you doing late at night, in the middle of a rainy street, covered in blood?" He asked in a serious voice. "I want the truth."

"I..." You began; you tried to speak, but the words wouldn't form.

"Let me make this easier. Who did this to you?" He asked with a sigh, making the question slightly easier to answer.

"... My parents..." You said, dipping your head.

"And, how long have they been doing that?"

"... Since I was 5..." You could feel tears prick the corners of your eyes, but you bit your lip to stop them from falling. The last thing you wanted to do was show that you were weak, and cry. He looked slightly shocked.

"So all that time, you were abused, and yet you didn't run away...?" He said. You nodded your head.

"I just couldn't..." You mumbled. Emil suddenly stood up. He looked you straight in the eyes.

"You're staying here," he said simply. You looked at him, confused.


"You're staying here, that's final," he repeated himself rather sternly. "I'm not letting you go back to somewhere you'd just get hurt, maybe even killed. You're staying." You could see the resolve in his eyes; he was deadly serious. He was doing to do everything in his power to stop you from going back. You eventually gave in.

"... Okay, if you're sure. Thank you..." You said, giving Emil a smile, to which he blushed slightly.


It had been a week since you'd started living with Emil and Lukas. They'd been good to you, and your cuts had almost fully healed. Over the time, you learnt a lot about them. Lukas was from Norway, and they also had friends in the other Scandinavian countries. Another interesting fact was that Emil actually had a puffin, and it had a simple enough name: Mr Puffin. Although, you felt like something wasn't complete. You needed to go back to your house, and you needed to fix things with your parents. You wanted to confront them and tell them that you were finally leaving. You wanted to brave for once in your life. You put on a jacket, and made your way to Emil's door; if you left without a word, he'd go to look for you, but if you made up a lie, then he would leave you be. If he bought it, that was.

You stopped at his door and knocked. He hummed slightly, his way of saying come in. You opened the door; he was at on his bed, reading, his pet puffin clipped onto his arm. His gaze bored into you, making you feel even more on edge.

"I-I, um, I'm going out to the shops. I'll be back soon.. O-okay?" You said, silently cursing for all the stutters in your sentence. His eyes were still fixated on yours, and you grew more uneasy by the second.

"You're going your parent's house aren't you?" He saw right through your fake smile. There was no point in resisting. He stood up, his puffin stepping up to his shoulder, and spoke again. "I can tell by the look on your face." He walked up to you, his gaze still captured on you.

"I..." You couldn't even finish the sentence.

"I've already told you, (F/N), you're not going back." He held your hand in his, making your face heat up. "If something were to happen to you, it would be my fault for not being able to protect you..." He trailed off.

Something about that sentence made something in your mind click. Not being able to protect you? It was obvious that he did care for you, but the way it translated in your head distorted that. You admitted you also felt something for him, but if your parents, who were meant to love you the most, could betray, and hurt you, then what would stop him from doing it? He could lie, and he could hurt you again like you'd been hurt before.

You took a few steps back, your hands slipping from each other's. He looked at you, slightly concerned, but before he could say anything, you darted out the room, downstairs, and out the front door.


Emil's POV:

(F/N) backed away, my her hands slipping from mine. She looked scared out of her mind.

"(F/N)-" Before I could finish my sentence, she ran out the door, and down the stairs. I set Mr Puffin down on my bed and darted after her. The front door was wide open by the time I got downstairs, and I hastily grabbed my coat and umbrella from the coat rack.

"What's going on?" Lukas's voice sounded from behind me.

"(F/N)'s ran off!" I shouted, tugging my arms through the sleeves of the coat. "I'll be back soon." Lukas nodded. I ran out the house, but which way did she go!? I ran down to the right, and I felt liquid hit my cheek: rain. She only had her jacket, and I had to find her soon before the rain got worse.


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