The Result

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Pleaseeee listen this music as you are reading the last part.

I woke up with a sudden jolt. I screamed and flailed my hands in the air.

"Are you okay miss?", asked the driver.

"Yeh. Yeh. I'm fine.", I reassured.

Wow. That was one jolt of headaches. My head started to pound hard. Luckily we arrived at my house. I stood up slowly and walked with one hand on my head. Mrs. Malley, our housekeeper was surprised by my condition.

"Are you okay dear?", asked Mrs. Malley.

She came to my side and put my hand on her shoulder.

"I am fine. I just need to lie down after a cup of water.", I said

"Sure. I will bring it up right away.", said Mrs. Malley.

It almost seem forever to get to my room. I laid on the bed and pulled the covers over me. Mrs. Malley gave me a cup of water later. She pulled the curtains and switched off the lights before she exited. I blacked out after that. I guess my headache is serious.

Mrs. Malley came and woke me up to have dinner. I didn't have the energy to walk so she just brought dinner into my room. Today is history. Mrs. Malley would never let me eat in my room like other rich brats. Well I guess I am sick so it has it's perks. The dinner was a bowl of tasty shrimp congee. After my tummy was full, I felt way better. I went and checked my phone. 3 missed calls from my friends. 8 messages from more friends and the hospital.

The message from hospital said, "Please come tomorrow on time with your appointment with Dr. Yates. Please bring either a guardian or parent. This is quite important."

Hope I am not having brain cancers of any sorts. Dad hasn't arrived yet and by the time he did, I am probably sleeping so I decided to text him.

"Dad are you free tomorrow around 3 in the evening?", I sent.

"Sorry sweetie no. I have got a meeting with the Japanese.", he sent.

As usual. I would be surprised if he said yes. As my second resort, I called my aunt Victoria a.k.a Vicky. She is a mother, friend, sister and many other things to me. She understands that her brother is not even caring for his own daughter so she stepped in to my life. She is the better half of me. An elegant woman in her late forties. When I was insecure of myself before I went to a ball, she said, "Honey, boys don't look for bodies and curves in girls. They may for temporary, but they look for elegance and grace in a girl permanently."
Those has been my rules in styling myself, elegance and grace.

"Hello, is this aunt Vicky?", I asked.

"Yes dear, do tell.", she replied, always with an old speaking style.

I giggled slightly and said, "Aunt Vicky, I need a guardian to see the doctor today at 3 p.m. I was checking if you could come along with me."

"Of course I can my dear. Anything for you.", she replied.

"Thank you so much. As you know dad is busy and all that stuff. I will come and pick you up at 2:45 then. Bye.", I said with happiness.

"Bye sweetie," she said and we hang the phone.

I went out to my balcony to have some fresh air. The cool breeze blew into my hair and made many strands dance. The night illuminating sky was filled with a thousand blinking stars and a half shaped moon. I wondered if my mom was up there smiling to me. A gust of wind blew right into me and made the plants behind me ambled. Wow. That was strange. As the atmosphere outside got chilly, I shivered. Time to go back to sleep. I lied on the bed and slept.

In the morning, the little birdies woke me up with their singsong chitchat. I squeezed my eyes from the hard light shining on my face. The alarm showed it was already 1 p.m. I have already missed breakfast and lunch so I got up slowly and went to the bathroom. After all I still have 2 hours.

After brushing my teeth, washing my face, and a nice warm shower, I sat down on my couch to watch Master Chef U.S kids. I have always envied these kids. They know how to cook caviar while I can't even fry an egg. Yeh, don't underestimate me though. I know how to eat a lot. When the episode ended I look at the clock 2:30.!!!! I freaked out and changed my outfit into something that was more appropriate. I ran downstairs and grabbed a sandwich from my refrigerator and ran into the car seat.

"To aunt Vicky house please. I don't care if you go over the speed limit," I rushed the driver.

He roared the Mercedes into life and drove like Don from Fast and furious. Actually Paul Walker was a better driver than him. He always will be. R.I.P Paul Walker.

Thank goodness I was only 5 minutes late when I arrived to aunt Vicky's house.

"Sweetie I thought you forgot to pick me up. I was about to phone you but then I forgot your number," aunt Vicky exaggerated.

"Sorry aunt Vicky. I forgot to keep track of the time," I apologized.

We arrived to the hospital and the nurse from yesterday greeted me.

"Welcome Mrs. Kingston and Miss Kingston. Would you follow me to measure your blood pressure and temperature please Miss Kingston," the nurse asked.

"Of course. Aunt please wait here for a while," I said.

"Nonsense. I'm not leaving my only niece alone," aunt Vicky said and walked in front of me.

After getting those checked, we finally went into Dr. Yates ever white room.

"Good evening. Please sit," said Dr. Yates with utmost respect.

"I haven't picked up the results yet. Sorry I was running out of time," I apologized.

"It's ok. We have it here already," assured Dr. Yates.

He put the MRI scans on the lighted board and looked at me.

"Tell me Amanda. How much do you know of brain cancer," he asked.

"Well. They are deadly and fatal," I answered.

He laughed and said, "Not all, Amanda. Not all."

"Look at this small white blob here," he said, pointing to a small blob at the edge of my brain.

"It's a tumor but a curable and small one at that. This is a type of astrocytoma, a tumor which forms in cells that hold nerve cells in place, bring food and oxygen to them, and help protect them from disease, such as infection. This is a type 1, pilocytic astrocytoma. They forms cysts or are enclosed in cysts. They are slow growing tumors but they can become very large if ignored. This news is frightening you. I get it. You are just a 17 year old normal girl. Believe me I wish this wasn't happening to you but it is. I'm so sorry," he said.

That one minute of my life was my life changing factor. Nothing in my life has prepared me for this news. Aunt Vicky held my stilled hand as tears streamed across her ceramic face. I was stilled. My life was stilled. Time was paused for me. This is it. I will never become a normal 17 year old girl again.

"Please doctor, help my niece with all your power. She doesn't deserve this. Any surgery, chemotherapy, we will do it," aunt Vicky pleaded.

"Don't worry. This is curable. Lots of people survived from this type of cancer," he assured.

"But people still die from this right? And I might be one of those people right," I said.

"Don't be so pessimistic Amanda. Believe in yourself. People with type 4 even survived the cancer," he said.

He held my hand as tears streamed down aunt Vicky face nonstop. Fate, it has a way of interfering people's life. Can I even continue to dream about my future? Why is my life so unfair? What did I ever do in my last life to deserve this?

Aunt Vicky followed me home and talked with my dad. I could here loud cries and sniffs from above. I am pretty sure those sounds belonged to aunt Vicky.
Nothing can change the fact that I have a brain cancer. Well done Fate. You have destroyed my future.

Author's note

Hey how is it ??!! I wrote a little bit longer. Please add this book and continue reading this. Thanks;)

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