Part 8

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No one's prov

It was quiet for a few minutes but then Naruto said,"but sensei that doesn't make sense."
"How so Naruto?"
"Well that's because these is no such thing as a team of two but only a team of three."
"Okay." Kakashi was impressed with this group of genin.

Naruto prov

I could feel everyone's eyes on me. This feels weird. No one's looked at me like they are. It's much better then the villages glares. I was brought out of my train of thought when someone clear their throat. I looked up to see that it was Sasuke. What's his problem. "So where must I start?" I asked them. Itachi looked at me. I know what Itachi and Natsu were talking about. Although she can posses my clone I can still recall what she/my clone was doing. Sasuke said, "start when we started the challenge." I paled why is he so curious, this guy. I calmed down and said, "Well when Kakashi sensei said we must start. I ran to the bushes and made a shadow clone to occupy Kakashi sensei while I mull over the challenge..."
"Wait Naruto where did you learn how to make a shadow clone?" Kakashi asked. I looked at him then around to the others and saw that Sasuke and Sakurai were confused where as Itachi was shocked.
" I learned it not to long ago But that's a long story that we won't ponder over. The shadow clone jutsu always me to make a clone that can think for itself." When I said that I make a clone. And I noticed that Natsu took over the clone and made a few funny faces at Sasuke and Sakurai. "Interesting right." said Natsu.
"So back to business with that done I made another you know what they say two head are better then one and we found out that a genin team has to have three players and that we have to work as a team win the challenge."
"With that done we/I came up with a plan and a back up plan just in case." Said Natsu just to make sure that Itachi doesn't get suspicious.
"With that done I went to look for Sakurai and Sasuke. I found Sakurai but she was already confronted by Kakashi sensei so I tried looking for Sasuke to try and convince him again but I took my time. I only started to speed up my pace when I heard Sakurai scream for the second time. I found Sasuke and ..... hahahaha that was so funny" I looked over to Sasuke and he's glaring at me and I burst out laughing when I heard Natsu laughing 'remember I told you she could read my mind yup she just saw it.' I composed myself and continued " so we made a deal and started to dicuss the plan. Because all of us are good at throwing weapons we used that to our advantage.  We didn't have a lot of weapons so we thought that if we were to use the shadow clone to look like that weapon and aim it at you but we knew that if we were to throw it at you, you would dodge it and decided that if the clone could make more of itself it would throw you off." Kakashi sensei looked at me dumbfounded.  "So anyway because of that technique we were able to steer you in the direction we wanted. You were so focused on that, that you didn't notice there was a rope that was getting tired around your body. At your state of confusion we then preformed another jutsu that involves lighting nothing much." Everything was quiet after that. I could see Kakashi sensei calculating eyes going over and over what I had said. The silence was broken when, "Naruto kun how did you preform that jutsu?" I was stuck I don't know what to tell him I could feel myself sweating bullets. "it wasn't a jutsu per say it was more of magic." Natsu said I looked at her like she lost her mind, "and you know what they say a magician never reveals their secrets."  i sighed and looked at Natsu who was smiling at everyone.  "So Kakashi sensei do we pass..." it was an intense silence we all awaited for Kakashi sensei verdict. He looked at us with that weird eye smile and said' " Well down you are the first genin group that passed my challange. " all our faces held wide smiles. "Your dismissed." We all jumped for joy okay Sakurai and I, Natsu dispersed. We all walked together (without Kakashi sensei because he had to hand in the mission report) to get ramen to celebrate. We where just having a good time when a sharp pain hit my stomach. I gripped it and looked to the others. I straighten up and looked over to the others, " Hey guys I got to get home see you tomorrow." Before they could say anything else I felt another sharp pain hit me worse then the other. I sped of to my house when I got to the room I took another step and doubled over clutching my stomach. I looked up and saw Natsu on the floor in a fault position. I crawled over to her.
Natsu what's wrong?
Naru chan my stomach it hurts. She winced in pain and so did I I looked over her.
Naru why is your stomach glowing? I looked down and saw it was glowing. I looked over to Natsu and her stomach was glowing too. Naru what's happening to us?
I don't know Natsu, I don't know. Before i could say anything else I saw Natsu black out and I was close after her.

Rest of team seven prov

That was strange thought the rest of the team. "Is Naruto always like this?" ask Itachi. "No ...his not like that. We were going to get ramen he loves ramen this is out of character." All of them remained quiet.

Stranger prov

The rocks are glowing. Their alive. We can start our search again. Where are they? Where should we start, "Lee their alive. We need to find them now." Finally. I thought they were dead. My dear sister your kids will be mine

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