Part 7

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Sasuke prov

I sighed again at Narutos failed attempt to get the bells. It was quite interesting to find out that he is not a completely useless at all. I looked for an opening so that I could try to get the bells. I sighed and concentrated on the battle at hand, there was a rustling sound coming from next to me I got ready to strike the person or thing because it had no chakra presence. I was shocked to see that it was Naruto.

"Hey there Sasuke. I figure a way to pass the challenge." He said I looked at him as if to say yeah you the dead last knows how to win a challenge like this. I sighed and said, " Look here dobe I don't need your help for anything. I can get thoughs bells all by myself." He got angry then said, "Fine but you'll be sorry."  This dobe irritates me. I sighed and went somewhere else to hide. I ran and found that 'Naruto' was defeated by Kakashi 'wait how it there two Naruto's? '. Where is Kakashi he must be here somewhere. I looked around the area that Naruto and Kakashi started their fight, but I still can't find him. I decided to search for him by sensing for his chakra.... my eyes flow open he was behind me. I turned around in a fighting stance. I started to fight against him. each attempt to strike a blow it would blocked or I would miss. I could see him smirk through his mask. he then said, "You know Sasuke, Itachi was able to strike me down when he was your age but it seems as you cant even land a hit. that so disappointing." before I knew it I was enraged with the fact that Itachi took Kakashi sensei down but I couldn't even land a hit. without thinking I lunged at him. He swiftly moved around me, and kicked me in the stomach. I was kick into the air i twisted my body around so that I could land on my feet. I looked up to see where he went but I lost him. I stayed attentive looking by the bushes, in the sky and past the trees. I heard a grumbling sound and then felt to hands grab my ankles. I looked down and saw the hands came from the ground. I tried to free myself but I couldn't I looked down and I saw the ground moving again a head popped out it was Kakashi's he looked and me and did that weird smile again. Before i knew it my body was in the ground my head the only thing above the ground. I sighed and wait for someone to come and help me out of this stupid situation. I waited for i few minutes before Sakurai came out of the forest. "Sakurai over here help me out" she looked at me with shock in her eyes and screamed then fainted. I sighed again it wasn't a minute before someone else came out of the forest to where we are. It was.....Naruto. Unbelievably of all the people to find us it had to be him. "Oi dobe get me out of here." He looked at me for a minute before he burst out laughing. "I .....can't belive..... breath!!!" He composed himself and said,"So teme what can I help you with?" He looked at me with this smug face I huffed and looked away. "Okay if there is nothing to do I'll be on my way."
"Wait, I need you help."
"What I didn't quite get that."
"Okay only on one condition."
"And that it?"
"We work as a team to take down Kakashi deal?" I knew that I won't be able to get out of this without him Sakurai seems kind of useless in this situation. I looked at him and said,"Okay fine you got yourself a deal." He smiled and helped me out. Once down we wait for Sakurai to wake up.

Naruto prov
When Sakurai woke up I explained the plan to them. They seemed kind of shocked went I told them the plan.

No one's prov

Kakashi stood in the clearing where the challenge had began. He looked over to his left and saw that there was only a few minutes left he though.  He was brought out of his thoughts when a weapon was thrown at him. He sighed and was just going to move his head, but he only saw afterwards that the weapons poofed and there was more weapons. That's when jumped out of the way and on the other side of the field. But there was more weapons and noticed his foot got trapped by some roped. He tried to free himself but couldn't because there was more weapons thrown at him when he got his foot freed and tried to move his body but couldn't the more he moved the wired around his body became tighter. The sky became darker. He looked up to see what is happening 'it looks like thunder clouds.' He thought to himself.  Before he knew it his body was strikes with lighting he screamed and fell to the ground. Sasuke, Sakurai and Naruto all came out of the clearing and went over to Kakashi's body. When they got to it Naruto picked up the bells and throw hem over to Sasuke and Sakurai and smiled at them. The alarm went off, "Hey guys I know where the bento are let's get them.

Kakashi prov

I groaned my body feels sore. I opened my eyes and saw Sakurai, Sasuke and Naruto sitting in front of me. I looked at them more clearly and saw that Sasuke and Sakurai are eating the bento and Naruto was lying on the ground. I looked over to my one side and saw Itachi leaning against the tree. I tried to sit up but couldn't I looked down and saw that I was tied to one of the three stumps. I cleared my throat and said,"could you untie me?" Sasuke and Sakurai looked at each other then at me then back to Naruto. Sasuke sighed and kicked Naruto's leg. He groaned and sat up he rubbed his eyes looking groggy,"Whaaaaat? " He whined "Kakashi sensei is up." Says Sasuke. "So you deal with him I want to sleep."
"Don't be difficult and just..."
"Nooo" I could see and Sasuke was getting angry with Naruto's attitude. I looked over to Itachi to see him smiling at Sasuke enjoying the fact that Sasuke was getting irritated with Naruto. Sasuke had enough.  He got up and grabbed one of Naruto's arms and legs. And throw I'm in the stream. Naruto sunk down it was to long before he resurfaced spitting water out of his mouth. He swam to the edge of the bank and got out. He looked angry.  He stomped over to Sasuke and said," What was that for?"
"We need you to explain to Kakashi sensei what happened." "What why must I? "
"Simple you came up with the plan." Naruto sighed and sat back down still dripping wet. He looked over, that's when I said,"So Naruto kun why aren't you eating a boxed lunch? You do know that if you didn't get the bell you don't pass."

To be continued.....

Please comment I need to know my mistakes and correct them. But if it involves spelling don't comment on that. I'll try to improve on that. Thanx

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