Day Three

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He stares at me through the glass as I pick up the phone. He does the same and I try so hard to fight the tears threatening to spill. I hear his heavy breathing coming from the other line. I stare down at the text Doctor Anderson sent me early in the morning and I open my mouth to speak.

"I-I'm sorry," Brent says before I can talk. "I'm sorry I f*cked everything up. I'm a monster. Over-powering, controlling, insane. I'm terrible. I should've never placed a finger on you. You'd still be happy and always smiling like how you were when I first laid eyes on you and I messed that all up and I can't even make it better again locked up and all."

"Thank you for apologizing," my heart breaks even more from the single tear falling down his cheek. "I just...sorry isn't going to fix it. There's nothing that can solve this. I wish there was, trust me I really do...but it's over and it's time we just moved on with our lives."

There, I did what I was supposed to do. And I'm not quite sure if it's going to make me feel better or worse.

I hang up the phone and look at Brent and his tear brimmed eyes. While I'm standing up, he presses two of his fingers to his lips and touches the glass with them. I put my fingers on the glass so they are even with his and quickly pull my hand back before I can get myself too broken.


Sitting in my black, leather chair again after a day off feels oddly comforting. I think back to yesterday, how those girls that had dated Jamie before I knew him just trashed him as if it's the only thing they know how to do. Which, just seeing the way they looked, it probably is the only thing they can do. It's almost as if they'd known each other before hand and used him for the sex that they wanted. Once they got enough, they left him for anyone else that they could get their hands on.

I feel my jaw lock up as anger bubbles up inside of me and I grab a pain medication from my purse. Looking at the time, I stand up, grab my bottle of water and swallow the Tylenol and close my bottle, walking out of my office to locate my first patient. He sits in one of the blue chairs in the waiting room, playing with his lighter.

I clear my throat. "Connor, please put that away, you could hurt someone."

He sighs and flips it closed and puts it in his pocket and stands up as I motion for him to step into my office.

Once he's in there, he takes a seat on the leather couch across from my chair. I locate the manila folder which has his name on the front: Connor McDavid.

"So, Connor, anything new?" I question him and I know there's something. The tension in the room speaks for him.

"Girls are wusses."

I take a deep breath and write down those words in quotation marks.

"How so?"

"I can't flirt with any other girls without my girlfriend finding out about it," Connor spits and slips his hand into his pocket, gripping his lighter.

"One, I'm going to tape your hands to that couch if you don't stop trying light this place on fire," I remember my old office that I had to move out of. His managed to light it all on fire because he was angry. Nobody really found out why he was so mad that day. All I know is he uses his lighter as a way to calm himself. Just like how The Outsiders is a 'security blanket' for me, his is his lighter. "and two, when did you think it was a good idea to flirt with other girls while you had someone else?"

"It's boring with just one girl," Connor replies. I mentally bang my head against the wall.

"Then she just wasn't the person for you," I tell him. "don't waste your time hurting others, you have an entire life that you haven't lived yet. But if that's what you're into, suit yourself then. You're just going to have a hopeless love life."

Satyriasis - ja.benn ☆ (18+) ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now