chapter 2

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*skipping to monday*

janessa's pov

     today was my first day at McKinley. I decided i'd try out for glee today. I'm nervous but whatever im just going to make it through this. I walked down stairs in a union jack over shirt thing ans a black tank top with a pair of jean kapris and gray flip flops. I walked down stairs and saw jake and noah eating bowls of cereal. "MORNING BOYS!!!!" I screamed while running and hugging them. They hugged back. I quickly ate cereal then just as i put the bowl in the sink jake yelled "NESSA LETS GO!!!" I walked out the door yelling a goodbye to noah and he just shook his head. i giggled and got into jakes car. "Jake im nervous" I said looking at him as we pulled into the school. "For what glee or your first day of school?" I looked at him and mumbled both. "Trust me you'll do fine" I just nodded. He parked and we climbed out. "MARLEYYY" Jake yelled. The girl jake yelled who im assuming is marley and a cute tall boy started walking over here. He was like HAWTT!!!!! Jake was the first to speak up "Guys this is janessa but we call her nessa" The girl stepped up and said "Hi Im marley, Jakes girlfriend" I slowly turned on my heels and gave him the and you didnt tell me look?!?!?! "And im Ryder" the cute boy said winking at me i blushed and looked down. "So Ryder, will you show nessa to the office?" Jake said smirking. UGH he must've noticed me blushing. I really hate jake right now. "Sure c'mon lets go" Ryder said pulling me to the office. We eventually got there and i walked up to the lady. "Hi Im Janessa Puckerman" I said to the lady. She smiled at me turned around and said "ahhh yes hopefully the last of the puckerman children, hope your not like your brothers always getting into trouble. I stood there with my open. Then Ryder pulled me out. We looked at eachother then started laughing. I shook my head and opened up my schedual. I saw my first class was science. "whats your first hour?" Ryder asked "Science" replied "NO WAY me to" He said excited i gave him my schedula "this is cool we have all the classes together" he said smiling. YESSSSSSSSSSSS i said mentally. "Well lets go"

********skipping the school day********************

                                              me and ryder are REALLY close. we played 20 questions and now we were on our way to the parking lot to meet up with jake. "Sup bro?" i asked. "hey ryder do you think you could drive nessa back to our house im going to go to marleys and noahs back at univeristy." jake asked. "sure c'mon" ryder said. I climbed up into his car. "You wanna know somethin." he asked. "sure go" i said. "Your nothing like your brothers." "thats what everyone always says what makes me so differnt?" I asked looking at him. "I wouldnt date your brothers" When he said that i relized we were in my drive. I looked up at him and we both started leaning in. The next thing i knew bombs were going off. We pulled away and i smiled at him and he smiled back.


Kinda cliff hanger. What do you guys think will happen next thanks for reading sorry short chapter peace out guiss


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