chapter 3

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*************ryders pov************

      WOW!!!! I cant beileve i just did that. Im so stupid. Like for real what if she doesnt even like me. Now shes gonna HATE me. Were not going to be friends. Its going to end up how the thing with marley did agh. while all these thoughts raced through my mind we just sat there staring at eachothers faces. She was blushing, I was probably blushing. "soooo Nessa do you wanna go to breadstix with me?". WOW bro. -.-, first you kiss her then ask her out on a date. "Yeah i'd love that" She replied smiling. I felt a sigh of relif but held it back. "kay does tonight work" i asked she looked at the clock it was 3. "be back at 7" she said kiising my cheek. We exchanged numbers and i gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. She looked down blushed then hopped out of the car. I quickly drove home with my music up really loud. I smiled the WHOLE way home. When i got home i watched tv with my sister then got ready saying good bye to my mom and sister.

*****************NESSA'S pov******************

When i walked in the house i screamed as loud as i could. I decided to call marley. After searching the house i walked into jakes room found his phone sitting on the charger. i looked in his contacts. i found marley. I took my phone out and dialed the number i hit call

M= marley N= Nessa

M= hello?

N= hey mar, its nessa

M= oh hey whats up

N= Ryder asked me on a date i need help getting ready

M= kay, well jake just left and doesnt have his cell phone so ill just ask my mom

N= kay cool hes picking me up at 7

M= im leaving now

N= kay bye

M= bye bye


       A minute after i got off the phone i heard the door open up then i hear someone shout "NESSA IM HOME" i knew it was jake"HI JAKE" I shoutetd back. Then someone knocked on the door I jumped up and darted for the door screaming at jake saying i got it. When I opened the door i instantly got pulled away to my room "sheesh marley what's the rush?" I asked. "IT'S ALREADY 5:00" WHAT HOW?!?! I asked myslef "Okay ill take a quick shower" she nodded me off. After i got out of the shower marley already had my outfit picked out. she picked out a cute sundress with a light pink background and flowers. It only has one strap that goes all the way around my neck. I honestly forgot i had this. after i put it on i walked out to the hall and down to the living room. marley and jake were cuddling on the couch. awwwwee i meantlly said but then i said "Lets finish this pooh" Jake hesitantly realsed her. "kay leggo" marley said. When we got up there she put a little cover-up on me and light pink eye-shadow. i did my own make up and eye liner. then i put on some light lipgloss. We picked out on a pair of white flip flops. I looked at my alarm 6:50 he'd be here any minute. Then we heard a knock on the door Jake must've gotten it cause i heard talking. Marley gave me the ready look. I nodded my head and we linked arms and walked out. "Hey nessa ready to go?" ryder asked i nodded. My head and he grabbed my hand and we started walking out to his car. This night is going to be great.

**************************************************************************************************************** A/N:

Hopefully this chapter is a little longer. I've been doing all the updates because briannas internet isnt working so hopefully you enjoyed.


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