chapter 8

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*******************************NESSA'S POV*************************

            After lunch finn said the boys would go walk around and the girls could. Marley kept grilling me on what happened. I guess thats what i get for telling her i spent the night last night. After lunch i honestly didnt think Ryder would realse me. Now we were at caribou ordering coffees, with everyone around marley yelled at me (even though she was right next to me) "SOOOO TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!!!!" "Shut up seriously!!!" I yelled at her. "Sorry im just curious" she said quietly. "I know i know" I said shaking my head laughing a bit and joining the rest of the girls. We put a bunch of tabels together and i sat next to marley at the end of the tabel with santana across from me and Tina across from marley. I was pretty close with these 3. "Okay this is REALLY un fair tell me what happened" Marley said pretty much whining. "UGH do i really need to tell you" I asked hoping they would let it go even though i'm pretty sure they wouldn't. They all shook their heads. "Soooo............. this is what happened.................."

**********************************RYDERS POV*****************************

(A/N: sorry if u wanted me to explain its kinda uncomfterble for me) So we (the glee dudes) were all walking around and talking. It waws pretty fun. Then we walked by a caribou. We all went in and ordered. me and jake saw the girls. I elbowed him and nodded a little. He nodded back. I told finn where we were going he said ok. i walked up behind nessa and gave tina and santana a shhh be quiet finger. they both looked at nessa and marley like they saw nothing. I gave jake a nod and he nodded back. I covered her eyes,kissed her cheek then whispered "hi babe" in her ear. She jumped when i covered her eyes, blushed when i kissed her cheek, and shivered when i whispered in her ear. "OH MY GOSH RYDER YOU SCARED ME!!!" she said giggling. This girl is sooo adorable!! "haha i figured with the way you jumped" i said laughing a bit. She shot me a death glare and i gave her a quick peck on the lips. We ( me jake and all of the girls) walked back over to the glee boys "We should go look around and walk a little as a group." sam said. 'ok' everyone said we walked around an had a good day. We all ate dinner together. It was probably over all best glee day. Around 10 we all went home. I went home with nessa. "Wanna hang out tomorrow me, you, movies" I asked "Sure but i was wondering if you wanted to spend the night" she said. "Sure ill just text my mom"

ME- hey mom im gonna spend the night at jakes

MOM- who are you actually having a sleep over with nessa or jake??

ME- nessa....

MOM- no babies  tho


i turned my phone off after that jake lent me a pair of basket ball shorts. I climbed into nessa's bed. a few minutes later nessa crawled in and we fell asleep snuggling.

A/N::::::: OMG IM SOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN FOREVER!!!! ive had a SUPER busy summer thanks soooo much for reading this story and if youve read my other stories. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment*vote*and fan thanks again soooooooooooo much!!!!

-ashley <3

P.S. im kinda running out on ideas thus short chapters so comment or inbox me any ideas thanks!!!!!

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