Return to New York (1/3)

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Merida's POV
After the news came on, I was curious.
"Did the news lassie seem a little different?"
"Yeah like mind controlled." Elsa said
"The Kraang might have the rest of the city fooled but not us," Lilo said
"Yeah but how do we find Ariel?" Anna asked
"I don't know." Stitch said
"We don't even know where she is, or anything about her." Hiro said
"Her blood type is A-B positive, illness levels are-"
"Baymax, you scanned her?" I said
"I programmed information on Ariel to put in him." Punzie said
"Well then I could use the data to find her." Hiro said
"You'd have to scan every woman for mom and that would take I don't know forever?" I said
"No, I just have to look for a new it! I'm gonna scan the whole city! I just have to upgrade Baymax a little..................Actually if we're going to save New York and your mom, I need to upgrade all of you."
"Upgrade who?" Elsa said
"I'm liking this." Anna said
"We can't go against them!" Stitch said
"We're ninjas!" Lilo said
"Hiro we want to help but we're us." Punzie said
"No, we can be way more." Hiro said
"Our home and our family is in trouble. I'm in." I said and we all went to the barn and did our upgrades.
Punzie had a purple and pink armor suit with technical frying pans that could go lightning fast.
I had a green and black armor suit with technical bows and plasma swords that could also unleashed fire arrows.
Anna had a pink and yellow armor suit with golden technical swords that can also glow.
Elsa had a blue and white armor suit with throwable snowballs that could can make a snow explosion.
Lilo had a red and pink armor suit with a high tech of tessens and a power of camouflage.
Stitch had a light blue suit with black claws and the skill of climbing walls.
Hiro had a purple and red armor that allows him to ride on Baymax's back when flying.
Baymax had a red and purple armor suit that allows him strength and flying skills.
While packing up, we were all in our suits. Morph sits next to me.
"Come on Morph, we're going home."
Punzie goes to Lighting and said.
"Are you sure you'll be ok?"
"I'll be fine, now go save your home."
Lilo looks at the cabin and says.
"Goodbye cabin." We all got in and I said.
"New York here we come." And with that we drove off.
We followed the party wagon.
"Alright team, first we track down Ariel, then we hunt for Melody and free the city." Anna said as we saw the gates to the city.
"So what's the plan? Ninja mode or superheroes attack?" Elsa asks.
"Ninja mode. First we get through the gates and track down Ariel."
"And my sister." Lilo adds. A light comes up and we stayed quiet.
"Sir, this is a non passable place. Please get back to your own home."
"No trouble dude." Casey said, in the party wagon.
"Look!" Lilo says. Morph turns into binoculars and Hiro sees through them.
"What is it?" I asked.
"A mind control device. In the back of their necks." Stitch floors it and we go through the gate. We looked around the city and saw no people around.
"I cannot scan any people." Baymax says.
"What if the Kraang mutated everyone?" I asked.
"No, not possible." Anna says.
"It's completely possible. I only sense a few hundred people left in the entire city. They're gone! Millions of people just gone!" Lilo said.
"There's our apartment." Punzie pointed.
"Ok Merida, Hiro, Baymax, you stay here."
When my sisters came back, we drove through the secret entrance to the sewers.
"No sign of Ariel." Anna says.
"The Kraang made some kind of new freaky security system to make sure we don't come back." Elsa adds.
"Why not just take it down?" I said.
"The Kraang might already know that we're superheroes then." Punzie explained.
"Guys! I think I sense Ariel close by. It's faint and she's different! Come on! Hurry!" Lilo says. We found Ariel acting wild. We gently calmed her down and footbots appeared. We fought them, but Ariel runs off again.
"Ariel!" Elsa says. We chase after her and see her unconscious.
"Ariel!" Anna screamed. A gate blocked our path and we watch Ariel taken away.

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