Hello, Mistress here. I want some people to share an account with. I want fun, spunky people who love writing and will be on at least once a week.
You can make a code name, like I made mine, and have a complete alter ego on this account. Be who you want to be. Unless that persona is a dick.
Any questions?
What type of stories do I like to write? I like a lot of LGBT fantasy/adventure stories
Am I willing to co-author my ideas that I already have planned out? Yes, I am willing to share story ides with you as long as I see you fit to co-author them.
Are there any rules to co-owning this account? Yes.
1.DO NOT reveal others true names/any other information, even if you know who they are.
2. DO NOT just join, steal ideas then leave.
3. DO NOT judge other people, whether it be race, sex, gender, or sexual orientation.
Does our alternate personality have to be human? No. I do not mind you being any creature. This is all for fun. Be who you want to be. If you want to, write your own backstory and post it as a story.
Lastly, this is a for fun thing. I want to make friends and write some nice stories so ABSOLUTELY no negativity.
Bye Queens,
We Keep The Secrets
Looking for co-authors/Co-owners!
FantasiaWriter in search of writers to share account with/co-write stories with.