Oh no!

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It was an exciting beginning to the meet. There were 2 teams to beat. Russia ad China, surprisingly, China only earned one medal in the individual meet. It started like any other meet, but surprises were in store. We had two people competing on beam. Me and Skylar. She was up first, as she stepped up, the team cheered for her. I smiled at her. She saluted and breathed softly. She ran up to the spring board, punched and... Grunted, whimpering slightly. I don't believe what I just saw. After she punched, the incorrect measurements caused her double tuck to rotate until she hit the dead center of her back on the corner of the wood. She was crumpled in the pile. Every thing was in slow motion.

"Skylar!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran towards her. As I crouched next to her, I grabbed her hand and rubbed it, gently.

"Don't touch her" yelled the paramedics rushing to the scene.i sobbed and kept our hands interlocked. She was mumbling something. Her back was bent in an abnormal zig zag line. Soon I heard her mom crying behind me with her hand on my shoulder. I couldn't stop crying. The paramedics asked me to move but I wanted to stay with her. Several people asked and soon my dear coach had to rip me from her unconscious body clawing and screaming flailing to escape his strong arms. It was useless. After all, I was a 4'11" girl gymnast, he was a 5'11 man coach. It was unfair. At that time I felt the urge to fall into the blonde boys arms and feel them wrap tight around me. I wanted to smell his soft Armani scent, and embrace his firm muscles.

My teammates hugged me trying to comfort me, knowing she was my best friend. They held me tight. They released and let my best friends mom come hug me. For a second I saw them begin to move Skylar towards the stretcher and she winced in pain. The woman with greying red hair looked at me and I saw her eyes were filled with pain like mine. The men eventually got on her stretcher and began lofting her. My teammates were speaking to the press, and my coach paced back and forth, skylars mom, coach, and I all held to the sides of the stretcher. I stopped crying talking to Skylar to stay strong. She said one thing to the people around her. Win the meet. I was inspired how true she was to the team and I called a team meeting. Coach had told Lillian Hoffman to compete in beam. I still had the chance to pull myself together, but not long. I stood further back from the team and did standing double tucks, the way I relieved my stress. I counted 14 and by then Lillian had finished, she had a good routine, but Skylar's would have scored us more points. I repeated my routine, but the injury had frazzled me and I was unfocused, as I did a switch ring leap, I nearly split the beam in my landing, my handstand wasn't held long until I slid into my splits on the 4 inch piece of would, and when I was supposed to swing around the beam and press into a handstand, one of my hands slipped off and the handstand barely went up. I finished strong and stuck the landing but I, being to hard on myself naturally, told myself the only thing that woul score worse would be a perfect level 7 routine. I asked coach if I could be done for the meet then pulled on my warmups in his positive answer. During the last event I cried quietly on the bench, knowing me and Skylar would never have to go back home because she forgot her gym bag or laugh because the other one fell off the bar stupidly. I couldn't believe someone could take her career away like that. The career of a gymnast could rely on 3 centimeters, and those 3 centimeters had Skylar's career in their collection now.


Again, not much of the one direction, but I have great news! I am making a series and once this book gets 25 reads, I'll post the first three chapters of the next book, Infinite, a Harry styles fan fic. One and only is my series name! Vote for me please add to your library! I feel bad because I am taking a long time to kick this story off, but don't worry, we're gonna have fun with this! Love you all!!!

XOXO, Abby

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