When She was Burning (part 2)

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Chandler's POV -Burning (continued)

Sitting on the toilet with their head in their hands was a girl. Immediately Chandler recognized her flowing, bright orange hair.


Her head snapped up and her gaze latched onto his.

"What's wrong?" They spoke at the same time.

For some reason, just seeing Lianna alleviated the burn in Chandler's chest. His breathing was still as a panting dog, even more so from his running. But just seeing her there, tear streaks down her face made him feel a little bit better.

Was it the fact that someone else was hurt as well? Maybe even more so than him that caused this?

He didn't know and he decided not to question it. Instead he did something he never in a million years thought he would ever do. He took exactly two steps forward till he was standing directly over Lianna and then leaned down. Their faces were level. Lianna's gulp was audible and Chandler had to restrain himself from kissing the tear stains off her cheek and from her lips right then and there. Instead he did the next best thing. Took her face in his hands, using his thumb pads to brush every last tear away. Her face scorched his palms but he ignored the sensation, all of his attention focused solely on the girl in front of him.

Lianna let out a breathless laugh and even more tears leaked out of her dazed eyes. She reached up and grabbed onto his wrists. They remained there as the minutes passed, Chandler wiping away every last tear that fell down. Their eyes glued together.

And then Lianna caught Chandler off guard. She kissed him. It lasted only a second but it was enough to vanish the doubts from Chandler's mind. And so, like any logical human would do, he initiated a second kiss. But he didn't know what to do. Where to put his hands. Should he open his mouth? It's not like Chandler had never kissed anyone before, but none compared to this. Kissing Lianna was just . . . magical. It was as if they were suspended in some third dimension with just him and her. But this wasn't calculus three. It was just a girls and a guy's lips. It felt like he was spinning. Like he was spinning and standing, but not really. Everything was so very very alive and she was kissing back and he was kissing back and she was kissing back and he was in this endless circle. But it was like Gabriel's horn - no matter how long it lasted, no matter how deep it was, you could only pour so much water into it, you could only have that infinitely perfect moment for an infinite amount of time - and so, eventually it ended.

Lianna was the first to speak. Her voice was a ghost of a whisper, as if she was out of breath and that's because she was. "That was-"

"-I know." Chandler. She had scorched him. Left a mark that could undoubtedly never be erased.

Chandler had the sudden urge to repeat the occurrences of the past minute, but he restrained himself, not wanting to seem like a fanatically-obsessed boy. But as his grandpa always told him "When you know, you know." And right then, he knew.

Suddenly Chandler felt sick. Feeling bile rise up in his throat, Chandler rushed to the sink and finally let it out. The urge to puke from minutes prior had been fulfilled. He retched it out like the wretch he was. And ew! What a disgusting taste it left in his mouth. He hadn't puked in years, it seemed, so Chandler stood there, head over the sink, not knowing what to do when he was finished.

And then there was a hand on his back. If Chandler was more aware, hadn't just puked, his thoughts would've been as follows. Lianna was . . . Comforting him? Since when had anyone cared enough to embrace someone who just retched up the contents of their stomach? Who did that?

Apparently Lianna.

But he had just puked and so Chandler didn't think any of that. He just stood there, head pounding, chest aching, feeling all around like absolute crap. And then he realized the situations. He had just kissed Lianna and then barfed. It could be interpreted as him doing so in response to their lip to lip moment. He was embarassed, to say the least. Chandler went to move away from the horrendous sink and out of Lianna's embrace, and that's precisely when his vision started to sway.


Then he couldn't see.

He heard a voice but it was as gibberish. Undecipherable.

His vision cleared for the briefest moment. All he could see was the floor coming at him at an increasingly faster rate. Then he felt an intense pain in his head.

And that's precisely when he lost consciousness completely.



Care to share what went through the your mind while reading this oh-so-short chapter?

Copyright © 2015 by Ashlyn Taylour

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