When They couldn't Coexist

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Dedicated to @Shrutuk for having faith in my writing.

An onlooker's POV - Coexist

Ever since that day, the sun and the moon never crossed paths again. In fact, the moon hardly crossed paths with anyone.

The sun went back to her normal life. More guys would ask for her number, but she never again took the risk she did with the moon. She was diagnosed with Bipolar Depression Disorder due to the overarching sense in her that something was missing from her life. Ecstatic and fiery one moment, dark and gloomy the next. It was as if half the day, some shadow bore over her life.

The moon's life, on the other hand, was radically changed. You remember the bets he had with his friend? The bets that were the whole causation for their story in the first place? Well, since the moon nor his friend completed the dare of that day, the moon's friend got to choose the one for the next day - to wake up. The first one to do so would win. His friend completed the dare the next day, but the moon never did. Not on that day or the next.

What perhaps is the most surprising is the one that should be the least. The star stayed by the moon day and night. Sitting in the hospital chair . . . Patiently waiting even though she never got to interact directly with him.

Life was once again as it should be. The moon, silent and motionless always, and the stars, stuck together, while the sun stayed alone, repelling all those who came near.

Nonetheless, the memory of the day they spent together forever remained in the back of their memories . . .  Lingering, until one day they might chance upon each other again. Impossible? Perhaps. But maybe not, because after all, isn't the sun the brightest star of them all?



GGGGUUUUUUUUUUYYYYYYYSSS, I finished a book! I'm so happy right now. Thank you for continuing to read this story despite my sporadic updates and overall, unedited mess. I love you guys and if you ever need anything, feel free to message me. And if this story had any impact on you, I'd love to hear it!

Now, before you go, I've answered some questions below for you guys.

Was this your first book you've finished?

Long story short, despite the fact that I have written other books, ie. short, one page stories, and for school, I still consider this my first, finished, fiction book even though it's no full length novel.

Inspiration for the story?

Many things inspired this. Over the summer, I attended a two-week writing program/ workshop at a college in Massachusetts and I originally started this due to a prompt from my professor. It was to write on a love triangle, and I mean, what more obvious love triangle than the sun, moon, and stars? But it evolved from there obviously, due to several factors, primarily a song one of my dear friends wrote that stuck in my head. Another factor that influenced my writing was experiences in my life. For instance, B-Spot is a pretty well-known restaurant chain where I'm from and I actually met Fat Doug, one of the owners.

Will this be edited?

As many of you know, this story is currently at the lowest of all forms - the rough draft stage. Fingers crossed I'll find the motivation to edit and revise it sometime in the future, but we'll see.

Do you plan to continue writing?

Is that even a question? Yes! Feel free to check out a longer book I'm writing on my profile called The Day Hope was Murdered. If you're into mysteries, you might enjoy it. Description below.

"Everyone in the quaint little town of Sunbank swore that they had never seen the two sisters Leila and Hope without the other by her side. They were inseparable. That is, until one day, when not only was Hope taken away, but the hope inside of Leila was taken as well. The day Hope was murdered shouldn't be forgotten, and yet somehow, Leila can't remember a thing."

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