25.5| Meet The Washingtons

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After Pierce left the room, Chenelle stood looking around his old room. On the wall, he had pictures of him and his old football team. The first few pictures were times when they won trophies, but others depicted random moments in time. One in particular that amused her was one of two of his teammates dumping a bucket of water on him. His face was priceless. Ribbons and medals hung next to some of the pictures in a tacky way while the trophies were lined up on his dresser.

Well, at least she learned something new about the man even though she could've figured it out herself. He did like wearing football jerseys...

Changing her attention to his bed, she decided she'd tidy up the room for him. Jayden obviously wasn't going to do it himself anytime soon. She picked up all the dirty clothes and tossed it into a laundry hamper. Then, she collected all the DVD and CD cases and stacked them in their rightful place. After that, she changed the fetid sheets on the bed and replaced them with fresh clean ones.

There wasn't another blanket, so she just folded the dirty ones and left them at the bottom of the bed. Exhausted, she laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling and noticed he had glow-in-the-dark stars all over it. She giggled to herself reminiscing about the times when those were popular.

She found herself slipping further into her old memories, the ones when she was at her happiest. She remembered when her and Trinity first became friends. Chenelle was having trouble fixing her hair and Trinity was there to save the day. Her momma would've whopped her ass if she came home with her twists undone for the third day in a row, so if Trinity didn't do them for her, she probably wouldn't even be alive today.

She smiled to herself and closed her eyes, taking in the fresh scent of Tide and Downy. Outside, the gently pattering rain beat against the side of the house. She always loved the sound of rain in the evening. It was like music to her ears, the thunder singing its opera in bass and in treble. The peacefulness didn't last that long though.

"I got you right where I want you." Pierce said in a low intimidating voice before pouncing on top of her. Chenelle almost screamed, but Pierce began tickling her sides. The whole room filled with her loud giggles and pleas over a low rumble of thunder. After what felt like eternal torture, he stopped and laughed along with her.

"Funny thing is," he began. "I didn't even know you were ticklish."

"Oh really?"

Pierce shook his head. Honestly, he just assumed all girls were. They were soft.

He took a few moments of his time to really get a good look at her. Seeing her with straight hair instead of curly was something new to him. He could see all the highlights in her hair, which switched from dark hues of honey blonde to light strands. He couldn't help but run his fingers through it, admiring how soft and delicate it felt in his hand.

He then looked her in the eyes, those warm-colored irises he was excited to see everyday. His favorite feature on her had to be her plump, rosy pink lips. Oh how he loved the way they writhed when she said his name, the way they curved whenever she smiled, the way they bubbled when she pouted; he wished he could experience the way they felt against his own, but they were only friends.

Her pink lips decurved. "Uh, Pierce, are you okay?"

He opened his mouth to answer her, but he truly had no answer for her. Was he really okay with his present right now?

"I was, uh, just looking at your hair. I like it better curly." He lied, though half of it was the truth. Chenelle raised an eyebrow at him.

"From my perspective, you were looking at something else." She shot back with a sly smirk. He felt his face heat up, and his whole body felt hot as well. Chenelle began to shift uncomfortably underneath him, and he winced as a surge of pleasure electrocuted his body when her groin accidentally grinded against his. Then, he realized something: he was hard.

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