Chapter 13

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Aquamarine Argos


Two entire weeks passed before Marnie emerged from her room. She dared to venture out, wandering the castle, for she didn't know her way around. At every corner, she felt as though eyes were watching her, like the castle itself was alive and following her every move. She hated the feeling and hated admitting to herself that she was afraid. She turned down random corridors, hoping to lose whoever was following her, that is until she got lost herself. She did not know whether to feel relieved to be finally alone or be fearful of being lost. A few seconds later, the Tyrant King rounds the corner and nearly crashes into her. He looks just as surprised to see her as she is to see him. She refused to talk to him, but he knew; he could see it in her eyes. Someone was following her. To keep her safe, he insisted on having a guard with her when she was out of her room. At first, Marnie felt confused at the Tyrant King feeling the need to protect her, but then she convinced herself it was because he wanted something from her.

Marnie was never alone out of her room after that day. She supposes it has been nearly three weeks since she ventured from her room. The guard, whose name she refuses to learn, is more for babysitting than guarding her life. In his mid to late forties, he is an older man, well-liked among his fellow soldiers. He hates his position of following her around all day as much as she hates it. In her days wandering the castle, she has nearly mapped out every inch, and her guard knows it. Any time she gets close to an exit, he stops her. If she ever manages to lose her guard and takes a step outside an entrance, the ghostly woman is always standing on the other side. The woman is the Tyrant King's general and well-deserving of the title, for she takes it entirely too seriously.

Helping the servants is the only thing in the castle that keeps her from going mad. At first, the Sarkin king absolutely refused, but she was persistent. He changed his mind only after an encouraging letter from Cyrus. He allowed it in exchange for accompanying him to one meal a day. He would always inform her if a visitor was attending a dinner. She knew that she would be forced to talk, out of courtesy to the visitor, or be shamed for it. Though she knew the Sarkin king wanted her to talk, he wasn't about to put her in that position. There were not many visitors to the castle, but those that came paid her no mind, seeing her as nothing more than a servant. If they knew who she was or where she was from, there would be trouble.

There were only four times visitors were in the castle, and it was never for more than a night or two. The visitors were the barons of the four stronghold cities of Sarkin. When a baroness arrived, Marnie saw to her wellbeing in the castle, just as she had with Yvette, for it is what she knows. The baronesses were used to quiet servants, and Marnie did her best not to stand out. When such work wasn't needed, Marnie often found herself down in the kitchens. The castle is understaffed, and though this is a royal castle, Emberhelm had more staff than this. The kitchen is where the most help is needed, and it is a place where she can hide from the world above.

"You are good at that." The sudden voice of the Tyrant King startles her as she looks up from the bread she had been kneading. He winces with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry. I thought you heard me enter." He shuffles awkwardly in her presence, and she glances back at the staff to see they were keeping an eye on her. It is the way of the servants. They live off gossip; it passes the time but keeps them distracted from their tasks. Marnie shakes her head, not truly caring what the staff thought. If she had been back in Emberhelm, a simple sharp look from her would send the staff back to their tasks, but not here. No, she is far from home. She goes back to her work, ignoring the Sarkin king until he speaks again. "Is it distracting work? Is that why you do it?" He questions, taking a step towards the table she is on the other side of. "Does it take your mind off everything else?"

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