Chapter 25

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Queen Aquamarine Andry of Sarkin


Much of the city gathered upon hearing the news that the king and queen were taking a spontaneous city tour. Word spread quickly, and by the time Elyas and Marnie reached the city, people met them with flowers and gifts. They knew the people were hesitant of having a Vrinian native as their queen, and it was her idea to walk amongst them. If they saw her, they might think differently about her past. Elyas was hesitant but knew Marnie needed this, and he couldn't refuse anything she needed.

Hand in hand, Marnie walks with her husband. A genuine smile is on each of their faces and a look of wonder in Marnie's eyes as she takes in the city. There wasn't much she had seen before, as Elyas feared her safety. It is their faith in their people which eases the worry of anyone harming either of them. Marnie's identity is known throughout Sarkin. Many lost their lives to Vrinian soldiers, and especially her brother. If she could forgive Ebonash for taking her family's life, perhaps they could forgive her brother.

Marnie locks eyes with a small child running her way. Chasing after her is a woman with a dirt-stained apron, and from the look on her face, this wasn't the first time the child escaped her watch; neither would it be the last. Sunbeams peek through shades and light up the girl's fiery locks, but her bright eyes capture all of Marnie's attention. She lets go of Elyas hand and kneels down just as the child runs into her arms. Marnie picks her up and holds her as the girl clings to her for a moment in pure excitement. When the child pulls away, she produces a daisy and offers it to Marnie while beaming proudly at it. For years, Marnie became accustomed to children and their many, many quirks. She loves every child, and this one especially reminds her of her little Benji.

"For me?" Marnie smiles gently, and when the child nods excitedly, Marnie takes it. She offers it to Elyas, who places it just behind Marnie's left ear, and then motions to his masterpiece. The child giggles with red cheeks. "It is very beautiful. What is your name?"

"Matylda." She answers in an innocent little voice.

"Apologies, My Queen." The nurse finally catches up and realizes who the child had run to. She drops to the ground in a curtsy. "She escaped me while I was getting ready for her adoption."

"Adoption?" Marnie's heart broke for the little girl.

The nurse nods sadly. "Yes. Matylda has been with the orphanage for a few weeks now. However, a family has come to take her home."

"Wonderful." Marnie smiles and looks at the child in her arms. "I bet you are really excited to be with your new family." The girl nods once, but she can tell the child doesn't want to go.

"Marnie." Elyas is close to her, and she looks up at him. "We have a visitor at the castle. We must go back now."

To the side, she can see Rena, who had been the one who brought the message to Elyas. It would have been Ivory, except her presence in the tour was Elyas' one condition of leaving the castle. Marnie hands the child back to the nurse. "I have to go now, Matylda. I hope everything is perfect with your new family. I think we will see each other again one day." The child smiles widely with a flash of hope. Elyas takes Marnie's arm in his, and together they head back to the castle.

"Who is the visitor?" Marnie questions as they walk back up the mountainside.

"Rena doesn't know." Elyas shakes his head, and his dark curls toss about. "I don't know, but whoever it is must be important."

The newlywed pair enters through a side door of the castle to gain quicker access to the meeting hall. When they entered, Marnie at once saw a lone cloaked figure standing between two armed guards. "Who are you?" Elyas questions as they take their seats at the head of the room. Marnie can tell that Elyas is just as curious as she is. Marnie studies the figure and notices the details of the cape.

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