Chapter 9

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This chapter is dedicated to xxRandomxThoughtsxx, who wrote another one of my favourite stories on Wattpad - 'His Unmarked Territory', and I'm also excited to see what happens in the sequel 'Undiscovered Territory'.

Chapter 9


"I'm sorry," Jake muttered almost unintelligibly.

"Sorry?" I repeated, slightly baffled.

He looked at me, and gave me a look, telling me that he wasn't going to repeat what he'd said.

"I just...I shouldn't have said what I said, and I...I want you to know that I am sorry." He seemed so sincere and I knew that it took a lot for him to apologise to me.

"It's okay," I replied, "I was really stubborn ignoring you for such a long time,"

"No you weren't," he replied adamantly.

The way his green eyes were sparking with sincerity, made believe that he meant every word. I knew that he truly was sorry, and that was enough for me. I gave him a warm smile, hoping to convey this to him, and he smiled in return; a genuine, heartfelt smile that made my heart race.

"Hug?" he teased.

"Hug," I replied.

And before I knew it, I was wrapped up in his muscular arms. I couldn't help but inhale his soothing scent and I couldn't deny that I loved it.

It was in that precise moment I knew that I was in trouble.


The past few weeks had gone by fairly easily. I was currently spending my Sunday sprawled across my bed tucking into a tub of chocolate flavoured ice cream, whilst watching a bunch of soppy films.

Before you wonder, no my heart hadn't been broken dramatically in the last few weeks. However the same couldn't be said for Helen. Chelsea, Kate, Dan and I were making a team effort of cheering Helen up.

An emergency meeting had been called at my house, where Helen had cried for a good hour, or so, whilst trying to recall her experience to us all. We'd comforted her as best as we could, 'hmmmed' and 'awwwed' in all the right places. Although I can't admit that I was intently listening throughout the whole of the story telling.

It's not that I didn't care about her, and I don't think that it makes me a horrible person. It's just that when someone is crying that much, you can barely hear what they're saying. And, without sounding completely insensitive, as much as I love her, did have a tendency to over dramatise her almost non-existent love live. In addition, I was hardly in a position to give out advice. I simply listened, kind of, and hung out with her as she complained.

This type of behaviour was fairly common for Helen. Within a few hours, she wouldn't even remember the name of the boy. So I don't think it made that much of a difference if I couldn't either.

Or did that just make me an awful friend?

"Being single is so depressing," Helen complained.

Maybe I had over-anticipated the recovery of her heartbreak. As horrible as it sounded, comforting people wasn't really one of my talents; especially with my lack of experience or knowledge.

"No its not!" I argued, although even to me, my argument was pretty weak.

Helen shot me a mock glare in return, "It is!" she insisted.

I shot Kate a helpless look, silently pleading with her to take over. Kate rolled her eyes but did as I had 'asked', so to speak. I suddenly felt very relieved that I wouldn't have to be the one to comfort her.

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