Chapter 15

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This chapter is dedicated to MP3Girl, who wrote a beautiful story called 'Our Song', which I cried while reading throughout! If you haven't read it then you definitely should while you can, I wouldn't be surprised if it got published.

This is my first update in a while! So sorry about how long it's been. I've just had so much going on. But I really want to get back into writing. It's such a release. Let me know what you think!


At the prospect of Jake getting into a fight over me, I quickly nodded, agreeing to go with him.

With my agreement, he continued to drag me through the school until we reached his car. He opened the passenger door for me, something which I still found every sweet.

"Get in." he demanded rudely.

Oh. I thought. Way to put a stop to my sudden thoughts of Prince Charming on a beautiful white steed.

"Jake, I don't know. I've ever just left school like this. And everyone saw! I'm going to be in so much trouble." I told him sincerely.

"Live a little," he muttered.

I couldn't help frowning at his response. Here I was, trying to be honest with him and this is how he replies.


His expression softened at the sight of mine. "Sorry, I don't mean to sound like a d*ck. I just mean have some fun; you work so hard and you deserve it. Besides as far as they know, I kidnapped you." he finished with a cheeky grin, and I just couldn't resist it.

Without my body consulting my brain, I swiftly moved towards the car, giving Jake a warm thank you smile, and stepped in.

Jake gave me a victorious grin and walked around the car to the drivers seat.

No matter how much I tried to deny it. Jake a held a power over me, one that I didn't understand and I certainly didn't know how to deal with.


The slamming of a door brought me out of my thoughts. Looking up I realised that we were already at the coffee shop. Sneakily I shifted my gaze forward in search for the source of the noise. He was making his way around the car; he looked angry. Shamelessly, I refused to make eye contact as he opened my car door for me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jakes hand gripping onto the door frame, the tense action just reinforced my awareness of just how angry he was. I hurriedly unbuckled my seatbelt and fumbled my way out of the car, careful not to make eye contact.

I should have said thank you for diving me here and getting the door for me, but I wasn't exactly grateful. I would have preferred him not to have kidnapped me in the first place. Perhaps that was a little dramatic. After all I had agreed to coming, so technically I couldn't label this as a 'kidnapping'. I'm also fairly certain you're not supposed to crave the company of your 'kidnapper'.

The car journey had been anything but comfortable. Once the initial adrenaline had worn of, I contemplated the consequences of this. Firstly my parents would be called to be told about me skipping school. Now, this was a problem because I was already avoiding the whole Jake subject - if they found out - sorry, when, they find out that I not only skipped school, but actually ran out of a lesson with a boy, I will be murdered. Literally, murdered. Secondly, this was going to be public knowledge. Something I was afraid of. It would only lead to people gossiping about me, I was uncomfortable enough about my friendship with Jake without the added drama. My sisters and my friends would all be interrogating me about my relationship with Jake. We're just friends, I know that. But the constant attention on the subject made it that much harder to deny any feelings I may or may not have for this egotistical boy.

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